Trinoids with Bubbletons
Constant mean curvature surfaces in euclidean 3-space
The naked trinoid dressed by simple factors acquires bubbles which can squiggle at the trinoid's center or glissade off its ends. In the images below, the maximal constant mean curvature trinoid is fleshed out with a four-lobed bubbleton. Three of its lobes have separated and are undulating along the upward end, to eventually disappear leaving a single lobe at the center. The images show the whole surface together with two non-symmetric halves. These surfaces were discovered by Nick Schmitt and Philipp Lang [2] based on the theory of dressed n-noids [1].
- M. Kilian, N. Schmitt and I. Sterling, Dressing CMC n-noids, Math. Z. 246 (2004), no. 3, 501519.
- Ph. Lang, CMC-trinoids with embedded annular ends, Technische Universität München, 2010.