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Publicações em revistas periódicas e jornais específicos


  1. On multi-type Cannings models and multi-type exchangeable coalescents, 156, 103–116 (2024) (DOI)
  2. (em co-autoria com Thierry Huillet) On Bernoulli trials with unequal harmonic success probabilities, 87, no. 4, 349–378 (2024) (MR4745109, Zbl07846502, DOI)
  3. (em co-autoria com Benedict Vetter) Scaling limits for a class of regular Ξ-coalescents, 162, 387–422 (2023) (MR4594214, Zbl07711491, DOI)
  4. A particular family of absolutely monotone functions and relations to branching processes, 49, no. 2, 641–650 (2023) (MR4599042, Zbl07722731, DOI)
  5. (em co-autoria com Clément Foucart) Asymptotic behaviour of ancestral lineages in subcritical continuous-state branching populations, 150, 510–531 (2022) (MR4426163, Zbl07544388, DOI)
  6. (em co-autoria com Benedict Vetter) Scaling limits for the block counting process and the fixation line for a class of Λ-coalescents, 19, no. 1, 641–664 (2022) (MR4419194, Zbl07565941, DOI)
  7. (em co-autoria com Thierry Huillet) Asymptotic genealogies for a class of generalized Wright–Fisher models, 9, no. 1, 17–43 (2022) (MR4388708, Zbl07505012, DOI)
  8. A restaurant process with cocktail bar and relations to the three-parameter Mittag–Leffler distribution, 58, no. 4, 978–1006 (2021) (MR4342591, Zbl07437440, DOI)
  9. The rate of convergence of the block counting process of exchangeable coalescents with dust, 18, no. 2, 1195–1220 (2021) (MR4282186, Zbl07379417, DOI)
  10. (em co-autoria com Benedict Vetter) Asymptotics of continuous-time discrete state space branching processes for large initial state, 27, no. 1, 1–42 (2021) (MR4256560, Zbl07351044, Article)
  11. A spectral decomposition for a simple mutation model, 24, Paper No. 15, 14 pp. (2019) (MR3933039, Zbl07055619, DOI)
  12. (em co-autoria com Fernando Cordero) On the stationary distribution of the block counting process for population models with mutation and selection, 474, no. 2, 1049–1081 (2019) (MR3926155, Zbl07053059, DOI)
  13. A spectral decomposition for the block counting process and the fixation line of the beta(3,1)-coalescent, 23, Paper No. 102, 15 pp. (2018) (MR3896840, Zbl07023491, DOI)
  14. (em co-autoria com Alexander Gnedin, e Alexander Marynych) The collision spectrum of Λ-coalesents, 28, no. 6, 3857–3883 (2018) (MR3861828, Zbl06994408, DOI)
  15. (em co-autoria com Thierry Huillet e Servet Martínez) On polymorphism for discrete evolutionary dynamics driven either by selection or segregation, 37, no. 2, 1352–1368 (2018) (MR3804132, Zbl06912470, DOI)
  16. On strictly monotone Markov chains with constant hitting probabilities and applications to a class of beta coalescents, 24, no. 1, 107–130 (2018) (MR3793945, Zbl06937969, Article)
  17. (em co-autoria com Jonas Kukla) On the block counting process and the fixation line of the Bolthausen–Sznitman coalescent, 128, no. 3, 939–962 (2018) (MR3758343, Zbl06837778, DOI)
  18. Hitting probabilities for the Greenwood model and relations to near constancy oscillation, 24, no. 1, 316–332 (2018) (MR3706759, Zbl06778330, DOI)
  19. (em co-autoria com Fabian Freund) On the size of the block of 1 for Ξ-coalescents with dust, 4, no. 4, 407–425 (2017) (MR3739016, Zbl06839362, DOI)
  20. (em co-autoria com Morihiro Notohara) An extension of a convergence theorem for Markov chains arising in population genetics, 53, no. 3, 953–956 (2016) (MR3570108, Zbl1351.60025, DOI)
  21. (em co-autoria com Florian Gaiser) On the block counting process and the fixation line of exchangeable coalescents, 13, no. 2, 809–833 (2016) (MR3546382, Zbl1346.60124, DOI)
  22. (em co-autoria com Helmut Pitters) Absorption time and tree length of the Kingman coalescent and the Gumbel distribution, 21, no. 2, 317–338 (2015) (MR3442826, Zbl1328.60021)
  23. The Mittag–Leffler process and a scaling limit for the block counting process of the Bolthausen–Sznitman coalescent, 12, no. 1, 35–53 (2015) (MR3333734, Zbl1329.60271, Article)
  24. (em co-autoria com Thierry Huillet) Asymptotics of symmetric compound Poisson population models, 24, no. 1, 216–253 (2015) (MR3318045, Zbl1371.60173, DOI)
  25. Asymptotic hitting probabilities for the Bolthausen–Sznitman coalescent, 51A, Celebrating 50 Years of The Applied Probability Trust, 87–97 (2014) (MR3317352, Zbl1328.60173, DOI)
  26. (em co-autoria com Helmut Pitters) A spectral decomposition for the block counting process of the Bolthausen–Sznitman coalescent, 19, no. 47, 11 pp. (2014) (MR3246966, Zbl1334.60157, DOI)
  27. (em co-autoria com Alexander Gnedin, e Alexander Marynych) On asymptotics of the beta coalescents, 46, no. 2, 496–515 (2014) (MR3215543, Zbl1323.60021, DOI)
  28. On hitting probabilities of beta coalescents and absorption times of coalescents that come down from infinity, 11, no. 1, 141–159 (2014) (MR3225970, Zbl1341.60088, Article) Moehle2014a_corrections.pdf
  29. (em co-autoria com Thierry Huillet) On the extended Moran model and its relation to coalescents with multiple collisions, 87, 5–14 (2013) (Zbl1296.92207, DOI)
  30. Duality and cones of Markov processes and their semigroups, 19, no. 1, 149–162 (2013) (MR3088428, Zbl1298.60079)
  31. (em co-autoria com Jean-Stéphane Dhersin) On the external branches of coalescents with multiple collisions, 18, no. 40, 11 pp. (2013) (MR3040550, Zbl1285.60079, DOI)
  32. (em co-autoria com Philip Herriger) Conditions for exchangeable coalescents to come down from infinity, 9, no. 2, 637–665 (2012) (MR3069379, Zbl1277.60122, Article)
  33. (em co-autoria com Thierry Huillet) Correction on `Population genetics models with skewed fertilities: a forward and backward analysis', 28, no. 3, 527–532 (2012) (MR2959453, Zbl1367.92075, DOI)
  34. Coalescent processes derived from some compound Poisson population models, 16, 567–582 (2011) (MR2846651, Zbl1367.92105, DOI)
  35. (em co-autoria com Thierry Huillet) Population genetics models with skewed fertilities: a forward and backward analysis, 27, no. 3, 521–554 (2011) (MR2827443, Zbl1367.92074, DOI)
  36. Looking forwards and backwards in the multi-allelic neutral Cannings population model, 47, no. 3, 713–731 (2010) (MR2731344, Zbl1210.60078, DOI)
  37. Asymptotic results for coalescent processes without proper frequencies and applications to the two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet coalescent, 120, no. 11, 2159–2173 (2010) (MR2684740, Zbl1214.60037, DOI)
  38. (em co-autoria com Fabian Freund) On the number of allelic types for samples taken from exchangeable coalescents with mutation, 41, no. 4, 1082–1101 (2009) (MR2663237, Zbl1202.92061, DOI)
  39. (em co-autoria com Fabian Freund) On the time back to the most recent common ancestor and the external branch length of the Bolthausen–Sznitman coalescent, 15, no. 3, 387–416 (2009) (MR2554368, Zbl1203.60110)
  40. (em co-autoria com Thierry Huillet) Duality and asymptotics for a class of nonneutral discrete Moran models, 46, no. 3, 866–893 (2009) (MR2562326, Zbl1181.92067, DOI)
  41. (em co-autoria com e Alexander Marynych) On the number of collisions in beta(2,b)-coalescents, 15, no. 3, 829–845 (2009) (MR2555201, Zbl1208.60081, DOI)
  42. (em co-autoria com Michael Drmota, e Uwe Rösler) A limiting distribution for the number of cuts needed to isolate the root of a random recursive tree, 34, no. 3, 319–336 (2009) (MR2504401, Zbl1187.05068, DOI)
  43. (em co-autoria com Matthias Birkner, Jochen Blath, e Johanna Tams) A modified lookdown construction for the Xi-Fleming-Viot process with mutation and populations with recurrent bottlenecks, 6, 25–61 (2009) (MR2485878, Zbl1162.60342, Article)
  44. (em co-autoria com e Alexander Iksanov) On asymptotics of exchangeable coalescents with multiple collisions, 45, no. 4, 1186–1195 (2008) (MR2484170, Zbl1159.60016, DOI)
  45. (em co-autoria com e Gerd Rehkämper) Navigational experience affects hippocampus size in homing pigeons, 72, no. 3, 233–238 (2008) (DOI)
  46. Convergence to the coalescent and its relation to the time back to the most recent common ancestor, Proceedings Series Volume AI, 315–328 (2008) (MR2508796, Zbl1355.92076, DOI)
  47. (em co-autoria com Alexander Iksanov) On the number of jumps of random walks with a barrier, 40, no. 1, 206–228 (2008) (MR2411821, Zbl1157.60041, DOI)
  48. (em co-autoria com Michael Drmota, Alexander Iksanov e Uwe Rösler) Asymptotic results concerning the total branch length of the Bolthausen–Sznitman coalescent, 117, no. 10, 1404–1421 (2007) (MR2353033, Zbl1129.60069, DOI)
  49. On a class of non-regenerative sampling distributions, 16, no. 3, 435–444 (2007) (MR2312437, Zbl1125.62122, DOI)
  50. (em co-autoria com Alexander Iksanov) A probabilistic proof of a weak limit law for the number of cuts needed to isolate the root of a random recursive tree, 12, 28–35 (2007) (MR2407414, Zbl1133.60012, DOI)
  51. On the number of segregating sites for populations with large family sizes, 38, no. 3, 750–767 (2006) (MR2256876, Zbl1112.92046, DOI)
  52. On sampling distributions for coalescent processes with simultaneous multiple collisions, 12, no. 1, 35–53 (2006) (MR2202319, Zbl1099.92052, Article)
  53. Convergence results for compound Poisson distributions and applications to the standard Luria-Delbrück distribution, 42, no. 3, 620–631 (2005) (MR2157509, Zbl1086.60014, DOI)
  54. Simulation algorithms for integrals of a class of sampling distributions arising in population genetics, 75, no. 9, 731–749 (2005) (MR2145177, Zbl1080.62091, DOI)
  55. (em co-autoria com Matthias Birkner, Jochen Blath, Marcella Capaldo, Alison Etheridge, Jason Schweinsberg e Anton Wakolbinger) Alpha-stable branching and beta-coalescents, 10, no. 9, 303–325 (2005) (MR2120246, Zbl1066.60072, DOI, corrections.pdf)
  56. The time back to the most recent common ancestor in exchangeable population models, 36, no. 1, 78–97 (2004) (MR2035775, Zbl1042.60054, DOI)
  57. (em co-autoria com Johannes Müller) Family trees of continuous-time birth-and-death processes, 40, no. 4, 980–994 (2003) (MR2012681, Zbl1054.60088, DOI)
  58. (em co-autoria com Serik Sagitov) Coalescent patterns in diploid exchangeable population models, 47, no. 4, 337–352 (2003) (MR2024501, Zbl1054.92039, DOI)
  59. (em co-autoria com Johannes Sikorski e Wilfried Wackernagel) Identification of complex composition, strong strain diversity and directional selection in local Pseudomonas Stutzeri populations from marine sediment and soils, 4, no. 8, 465–476 (2002) (DOI)
  60. The coalescent in population models with time-inhomogeneous environment, 97, no. 2, 199–227 (2002) (MR1875333, Zbl1064.92034, DOI)
  61. (em co-autoria com Serik Sagitov) A classification of coalescent processes for haploid exchangeable population models, 29, no. 4, 1547–1562 (2001) (MR1880231, Zbl1013.92029, DOI)
  62. Forward and backward diffusion approximations for haploid exchangeable population models, 95, no. 1, 133–149 (2001) (MR1847095, Zbl1056.92039, DOI)
  63. Total variation distances and rates of convergence for ancestral coalescent processes in exchangeable population models, 32, no. 4, 983–993 (2000) (MR1808909, Zbl1002.92015, DOI)
  64. Ancestral processes in population genetics - the coalescent, 204, no. 4, 629–638 (2000) (DOI)
  65. The concept of duality and applications to Markov processes arising in neutral population genetics models, 5, no. 5, 761–777 (1999) (MR1715438, Zbl0942.92020, DOI)
  66. Weak convergence to the coalescent in neutral population models, 36, no. 2, 446–460 (1999) (MR1724816, Zbl0938.92024, DOI)
  67. Coalescent results for two-sex population models, 30, no. 2, 513–520 (1998) (MR1642851, Zbl0910.60006, DOI)
  68. A convergence theorem for Markov chains arising in population genetics and the coalescent with selfing, 30, no. 2, 493–512 (1998) (MR1642850, Zbl0910.60007, DOI)
  69. Robustness results for the coalescent, 35, no. 2, 438–447 (1998) (MR1641829, Zbl0913.60022, DOI)
  70. Fixation in bisexual models with variable population sizes, 34, no. 2, 436–448 (1997) (MR1447348, Zbl0880.92029, DOI)
  71. Forward and backward processes in bisexual models with fixed population sizes, 31, no. 2, 309–332 (1994) (MR1274789, Zbl0812.92017, DOI)

[ | | Martin Möhle ]

Última alteração em 29/05/2024