smiling Giacomo

Giacomo Gavelli (Ph.D. student)

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Auf der Morgenstelle 10
 72076, Tübingen, Germany

Hi! I am Giacomo Gavelli, and I am Ph.D. student in Mathematics at the University of Tübingen. My supervisor is Prof. Anton Deitmar. My research interests lie in the fields of Harmonic Analysis and Hyperbolic Geometry. In particular, I am interested in spectral and geometric properties of locally symmetric spaces of large volume, with a focus on hyperbolic surfaces.

I started my PhD at the University of Tübingen in October 2023, after completing my master program at the University of Bologna in March 2023. My Master thesis, with title "Gromov-hyperbolicity of strictly pseudoconvex domains and applications", was written under the joint supervision of Prof. Irina Markina (Universitetet i Bergen, Norway) and Prof. Loredana Lanzani (University of Bologna, Italy).

Here is my CV.

  • Benjamini-schramm vs Plancherel convergence (with C. Kamp).
    Arxiv preprint (2024)

  • Benjamini-Schramm vs Plancherel convergence. Arithmetic groups, hyperbolic manifolds and computation, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, December 2024. Slides.
  • Laplace and Length Spectrum for Compact Hyperbolic Surfaces of Large Volume. ASK Conference 2024, University of Bologna, December 2024.


Teaching duties at the University of Tübingen:
  • WS24/25: Teaching Assistant, Linear Algebra 1, held by Prof. A. Deitmar.
  • SS24: Organizer of the proseminar Harmonic Analysis.
  • SS24: Teaching Assistant, Analysis 4, held by Prof. I. Radloff.