Vorträge in der Woche 03.09.2018 bis 09.09.2018

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Donnerstag, 06.09.2018: Multi-time formulation of particle creation and annihilation via interior-boundary conditions

Lukas Nickel (LMU München)

I report about recent joint work with Matthias Lienert (arxiv:1808.04192) on Interior-boundary conditions (IBCs), an approach that was suggested to circumvent the problem of ultraviolet divergences. In the IBC approach, particle creation and annihilation is described by conditions that connect the wave function at the boundary of some sector of Fock space with the wave function in the interior of a lower sector. We extend the concept of IBCs to the relativistic domain. At the example of a simple model in one dimension, where existence and uniqueness of solutions can be proven, we demonstrate how IBCs fit together with relativity.

Uhrzeit: 16:15
Ort: D7H41
Gruppe: OS MaPhy
Einladender: Hainzl, Keppeler, Porta, Teufel, Tumulka