Vorträge in der Woche 30.05.2016 bis 05.06.2016

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Mittwoch, 01.06.2016: Einführung in die Khovanov-Homologie

Jonathan Walz (Tübingen)

Uhrzeit: 14:15 - 15:15
Ort: S9
Gruppe: OS Differentialgeometrie und Topologie
Einladender: Bohle, Heller, Loose, Radloff

Mittwoch, 01.06.2016: Partial Differential Equations in Geometry

Prof. Dr. Simon Brendle (Stanford University und Columbia University)

A central theme in geometry is the study of manifolds and their curvature. In this lecture series, we will discuss how techniques involving partial differential equations have shed light on several longstanding problems in global differential geometry. In particular, we will focus on the geometry of hypersurfaces, and discuss the isoperimetric inequalities, Alexandrov’s theorem on embedded surfaces in R n of constant mean curvature, as well as our proof of Lawson’s 1969 conjecture concerning embedded minimal tori in S 3 . Time permitting, I will discuss some recent results on the classification of self-similar solutions to geometric flows.

Uhrzeit: 16:15
Ort: N 16
Gruppe: Gastvorlesung
Einladender: Huisken

Donnerstag, 02.06.2016: Topological models of measurable semiflows

V. Kühner

A Bi-Markov lattice semigroup on L^p(X), where X is a standard probability space, is induced by a measurable semiflow on X. We construct a topological model of that semiflow on a compact space K such that the semigroup induced by the continuous semiflow is isomorphic to the original semigroup.

Uhrzeit: 14:15
Ort: S10
Gruppe: Oberseminar Funktionalanalysis
Einladender: Prof. R. Nagel


Yoav Len (Universität Tübingen)

I will discuss applications of tropical geometry for studying general line bundles on general curves. As observed by Wahl, a curve may be embedded in a K3 surface only when a cer- tain map, now known as the Wahl map, is not surjective. The more general Gauss–Wahl map provides an intrinsic criterion for embeddability in other surfaces. I will explain how these maps can be studied by appealing to Berkovich skeletons, and discuss ongo- ing work towards proving surjectivity in high genus. This is joint work with Dave Jensen.

Uhrzeit: 14:15
Ort: S8
Gruppe: Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie
Einladender: Batyrev, Hausen, Markwig