Department of Mathematics

Preparatory Course for M.Sc. Mathematical Physics

This is the preparation course for the new students of the Master's program in Mathematical Physics.

Over the seven appointments (04.10., 05.10., 06.10., 07.10., 10.10., 11.10., 12.10.) we will discuss the following basic topics that might be partly or completely familiar to you.

  1. Topological, metric, and normed spaces
  2. Continuity and compactness
  3. Differential calculus
  4. Implicit functions and ordinary differential equations
  5. Measure and integration
  6. Classical mechanics
  7. Quantum mechanics

The lectures will happen in lecture hall C4H33 (the room on the fourth floor with the glass walls) from 9:30 AM till (at most) 12 AM.

Since some of you might not be in Tübingen by that time, I will do the course in a hybrid format. This means I am in the lecture hall in person and have a Zoom broadcast running in parallel. If you cannot be there in person just send me an email to

paul.gondolf at

You will receive the Zoom link shortly before the sessions start.

Participation in the course is completely optional and you can skip any topics you feel comfortable with or dates where you have other obligations.