Viet Hoang
Kontakt / Contact Information
Duc Viet Hoang
Universität Tübingen
Fachbereich Mathematik
AB Mathematische Physik
Auf der Morgenstelle 10
72076 Tübingen
Raum: C4 P45
Tel: +49 (0)7071 29 78698
Lehre / Teaching
- WiSe 24/25: Proseminar Hyperbolische Geometrie (Prof. R. Tumulka)
- WiSe 23/24: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (Prof. R. Tumulka)
- SoSe 23: Lineare Algebra I / Mathematik für Physiker II (Prof. H. Markwig)
- WiSe 22/23: Seminar on Foundations of Statistical Mechanics (Prof. R. Tumulka)
- SoSe 22: Proseminar Network Theory (Dr. S. Keppeler)
- WiSe 21/22: Analysis II / Mathematik für Physiker III (Prof. P. Pickl)
Forschungsinteressen / Research Interests
My primary research interests are in the mathematical foundations of quantum many-body systems. I employ functional analytic methods to rigorously describe emergent macroscopic behavior arising from underlying microscopic dynamics. My current research focuses on:
- Establishing polaron dynamics and deriving rigorous expressions for response functions in fermionic systems
- Deriving fermionic mean-field equations in physically relevant regimes
- Deriving effective dynamical equations in classical mechanics