Fachbereich Mathematik

Prof. Dr. Stefan Teufel


Prof. Dr. Stefan Teufel
Universität Tübingen
Fachbereich Mathematik
AB Mathematische Physik
Auf der Morgenstelle 10
72076 Tübingen

Raum: C4 A39
Tel: +49 (0)7071 29 74315
Fax: +49 (0)7071 29 5036
E-Mail: stefan.teufel at uni-tuebingen.de


Lehrveranstaltungen / Current Course

Sommersemester 2025

Wintersemester 2024/25

            Archiv ab Sommersemester 2015

            Informationen zum Masterstudiengang Mathematical Physics.

            Forschungsinteressen und Projekte / Research Interests and Projekts


            • Adiabatic perturbation theory and multiscale problems in quantum mechanics
            • Semiclassical- and microlocal analysis
            • Geometric and topological effects in quantum mechanics
            • Exponential asymptotics
            • Rigorous models in quantum field theory and the ultra-violett problem
            • Bohmian mechanics and foundations of quantum mechanics.

            Bücher / Books

            D. Grieser, S. Teufel, A. Vasy (eds.)
            Microlocal methods in mathematical physics and global analysis
            Trends in Mathematics, Birkhaeuser, 2013.
            [ Birkhaeuser Webpage ]

            Microlocal Methods.jpg

            D. Dürr, S. Teufel
            Bohmian Mechanics: The Physics and Mathematics of Quantum Theory
            Springer Verlag, 2009.
            [ A Review of the book by Jean Bricmont. ] [ Springer Webpage]

            Bohmian Mechanics.jpg

            S. Teufel
            Adiabatic perturbation theory in quantum dynamics
            Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1821.
            Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2003.
            [ Springer Webpage ]

            Adiabatic Perturbation.jpg

            Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen / Publications

            M. Wesle, G. Marcelli, T. Miyao, D. Monaco, S. Teufel
            Exact linearity of the macroscopic Hall current response in infinitely extended gapped fermion systems

            B. Roos, S. Teufel, R. Tumulka, C. Vogel
            Macroscopic thermalization for highly degenerate Hamiltonians

            P. Hege, M. Moscolari, S. Teufel
            Computing the spectrum and pseudospectrum of infinite-volume operators from local patches
            To appear in Mathematics of Computation

            J. Lampart, M. Moscolari, S. Teufel, T. Wessel
            Equality of magnetisation and edge current for interacting lattice fermions at positive temperature
            Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 27, 24 (2024).

            A. Capel, M. Moscolari, S. Teufel, T. Wessel
            From decay of correlations to locality and stability of the Gibbs state
            Communications in Mathematical Physics 406 (2025)

            S. Teufel, R. Tumulka, C. Vogel
            Canonical Typicality For Other Ensembles Than Micro-Canonical
            Annales Henri Poincare Online First (2024)
            [AHP, arXiv:2307.15624]

            S. Teufel, R. Tumulka, C. Vogel
            Typical Macroscopic Long-Time Behavior for Random Hamiltonians
            Annales Henri Poincare Online First (2024)

            S. Teufel, R. Tumulka, C. Vogel
            Time evolution of typical pure states from a macroscopic Hilbert subspace
            Journal of Statistical Physics 190: 69 (2023)
            [JSP, arXiv:2210.10018]

            P. Hege, M. Moscolari, S. Teufel
            Finding spectral gaps in quasicrystals
            Physical Review B 106, 155140 (2022)
            [arXiv:2205.10622, PRB]

            H. Cornean, M. Moscolari, S. Teufel
            From orbital magnetism to bulk-edge correspondence
            Annales Henri Poincare Online First (2024)

            J. Henheik, S. Teufel, T. Wessel
            Local stability of ground states in locally gapped and weakly interacting quantum spin systems
            Letters in Mathematical Physics 112:9 (2022)

            J. Henheik, S. Teufel
            Adiabatic theorem in the thermodynamic limit: Systems with a gap in the bulk 
            Forum Mathematics Sigma 10, e4 (2022)

            J. Henheik, S. Teufel
            Adiabatic theorem in the thermodynamic limit: Systems with a uniform gap 
            Journal of Mathematical Physics 63, 011901 (2022)
            [JMP, arXiv:2012.15238]

            J. Henheik, S. Teufel
            Justifying Kubo’s formula for gapped systems at zero temperature: A brief review and some new results
            Reviews in Mathematical Physics 33, 2060004 (2021)
            [RMP, arXiv:2002.08669]

            G. Marcelli, G. Panati, S. Teufel
            A new approach to transport coefficients in the quantum spin Hall effect
            Annales Henri Poincare 22, 1069-1111 (2021)
            [AHP, arXiv:2004.00956]

            S. Teufel, R. Tumulka
            Existence of Schrödinger evolution with absorbing boundary condition

            S. Teufel
            Non-equilibrium almost-stationary states and linear response for gapped quantum systems
            Communications in Mathematical Physics 373, 621-653 (2020)

            D. Dürr, S. Goldstein, S. Teufel, R. Tumulka, N. Zanghi
            Bohmian trajectories for Hamiltonians with interior-boundary conditions
            Journal of Statistical Physics 180:34-73 (2020)

            J. Schmidt, S. Teufel, R. Tumulka
            Interior-boundary conditions for many-body Diracoperators and codimension-1 boundaries
            Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 52, 295202 (2019)
            [JPA, arXiv:1811.02947]

            E. Matyus, S. Teufel
            Effective non-adiabatic Hamiltonians for the quantum nuclear motion over coupled electronic states
            Journal of Chemical Physics 151, 014113 (2019)
            [JCP, arXiv:1904.00042]

            L. Boßmann, S. Teufel
            Derivation of the 1d Gross-Pitaevskii equation from the 3d quantum many-body dynamics of strongly confined bosons
            Annales Henri Poincare 20, 1003-1049 (2019)
            [AHP, arXiv:1803.11026]

            S. Haag, J. Lampart, S. Teufel
            Quantum waveguides with magnetic fields
            Reviews of Mathematical Physics 31, 1950025 (2019)
            [RMP, arXiv:1710.01518]

            D. Monaco, S. Teufel
            Adiabatic currents for interacting electrons on a lattice
            Reviews of Mathematical Physics 31, 1950009 (2019)

            J. Lampart, J. Schmidt, S. Teufel, R. Tumulka
            Particle creation at a point source by means of interior boundary conditions
            Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 21, 12 (2018).

            D. Monaco, G. Panati, A. Pisante, S. Teufel
            The localization dichotomy for gapped periodic quantum systems

            D. Monaco, G. Panati, A. Pisante, S. Teufel
            Optimal decay of Wannier functions in Chern and quantum Hall insulators
            Communications in Mathematical Physics 359, 61-100 (2018).

            H. Cornean, D. Monaco, S. Teufel
            Wannier functions and Z_2 invariants in time-reversal symmetric topological insulators
            Reviews in Mathematical Physics 29, 1730001 (2017).

            J. von Keler, S. Teufel
            The NLS limit for bosons in a quantum waveguide
            Annales Henri Poincare 17, 3321-3360 (2016).
            [Springer, arXiv:1510.03243]

            S. Teufel, R. Tumulka
            Avoiding Ultraviolet Divergence by Means of Interior-Boundary Conditions

            S. Teufel, R. Tumulka
            New Type of Hamiltonians Without Ultraviolet Divergence for Quantum Field Theories

            S. Haag, J. Lampart, S. Teufel
            Generalised Quantum Waveguides 
            Annales Henri Poincare 16, 2535-2568 (2015). 
            [Springer, arXiv:1402.1067]

            J. Lampart, S. Teufel
            The adiabatic limit of Schrödinger operators on fibre bundles
            Mathematische Annalen 367, 1647-1683 (2017).
            [Springer, arXiv:1402.0382]

            Older publications...