M. Wesle, G. Marcelli, T. Miyao, D. Monaco, S. Teufel Exact linearity of the macroscopic Hall current response in infinitely extended gapped fermion systems Preprint [arXiv:2411.06967]
B. Roos, S. Teufel, R. Tumulka, C. Vogel Macroscopic thermalization for highly degenerate Hamiltonians Preprint [arXiv:2408.15832]
P. Hege, M. Moscolari, S. Teufel Computing the spectrum and pseudospectrum of infinite-volume operators from local patches Preprint [arXiv:2403.19055]
J. Lampart, M. Moscolari, S. Teufel, T. Wessel Equality of magnetisation and edge current for interacting lattice fermions at positive temperature Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 27, 24 (2024). [MPAG, arXiv:2403.17566]
A. Capel, M. Moscolari, S. Teufel, T. Wessel From decay of correlations to locality and stability of the Gibbs state Preprint, to appear in CMP [arXiv:2310.09182]
S. Teufel, R. Tumulka, C. Vogel Canonical Typicality For Other Ensembles Than Micro-Canonical Annales Henri Poincare Online First (2024) [AHP, arXiv:2307.15624]
S. Teufel, R. Tumulka, C. Vogel Typical Macroscopic Long-Time Behavior for Random Hamiltonians to appear in AHP [arXiv:2303.13242]
S. Teufel, R. Tumulka, C. Vogel Time evolution of typical pure states from a macroscopic Hilbert subspace Journal of Statistical Physics 190: 69 (2023) [JSP, arXiv:2210.10018]
P. Hege, M. Moscolari, S. Teufel Finding spectral gaps in quasicrystals Physical Review B 106, 155140 (2022) [arXiv:2205.10622, PRB]
H. Cornean, M. Moscolari, S. Teufel From orbital magnetism to bulk-edge correspondence Annales Henri Poincare Online First (2024) [AHP, arXiv:2106.13780]
J. Henheik, S. Teufel, T. Wessel Local stability of ground states in locally gapped and weakly interacting quantum spin systems Letters in Mathematical Physics 112:9 (2022) [LMP, arXiv:2106.13780]
J. Henheik, S. Teufel Adiabatic theorem in the thermodynamic limit: Systems with a gap in the bulk Forum Mathematics Sigma 10, e4 (2022) [FMS, arXiv:2012.15239]
J. Henheik, S. Teufel Adiabatic theorem in the thermodynamic limit: Systems with a uniform gap Journal of Mathematical Physics 63, 011901 (2022) [JMP, arXiv:2012.15238]
J. Henheik, S. Teufel Justifying Kubo’s formula for gapped systems at zero temperature: A brief review and some new results Reviews in Mathematical Physics 33, 2060004 (2021) [RMP, arXiv:2002.08669]
G. Marcelli, G. Panati, S. Teufel A new approach to transport coefficients in the quantum spin Hall effect Annales Henri Poincare 22, 1069-1111 (2021) [AHP, arXiv:2004.00956]
S. Teufel, R. Tumulka Existence of Schrödinger evolution with absorbing boundary condition Preprint [arXiv:1912.12057]
S. Teufel Non-equilibrium almost-stationary states and linear response for gapped quantum systems Communications in Mathematical Physics 373, 621-653 (2020) [Springer, arXiv:1708.03581]
D. Dürr, S. Goldstein, S. Teufel, R. Tumulka, N. Zanghi Bohmian trajectories for Hamiltonians with interior-boundary conditions Journal of Statistical Physics 180:34-73 (2020) [JSP, arXiv:1809.10235]
J. Schmidt, S. Teufel, R. Tumulka Interior-boundary conditions for many-body Diracoperators and codimension-1 boundaries Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 52, 295202 (2019) [JPA, arXiv:1811.02947]
E. Matyus, S. Teufel Effective non-adiabatic Hamiltonians for the quantum nuclear motion over coupled electronic states Journal of Chemical Physics 151, 014113 (2019) [JCP, arXiv:1904.00042]
L. Boßmann, S. Teufel Derivation of the 1d Gross-Pitaevskii equation from the 3d quantum many-body dynamics of strongly confined bosons Annales Henri Poincare 20, 1003-1049 (2019) [AHP, arXiv:1803.11026]
S. Haag, J. Lampart, S. Teufel Quantum waveguides with magnetic fields Reviews of Mathematical Physics 31, 1950025 (2019) [RMP, arXiv:1710.01518]
D. Monaco, S. Teufel Adiabatic currents for interacting electrons on a lattice Reviews of Mathematical Physics 31, 1950009 (2019) [RMP, arXiv:1707.01852]
J. Lampart, J. Schmidt, S. Teufel, R. Tumulka Particle creation at a point source by means of interior boundary conditions Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 21, 12 (2018). [arXiv:1703.04476]
D. Monaco, G. Panati, A. Pisante, S. Teufel The localization dichotomy for gapped periodic quantum systems [arXiv:1612.09557]
D. Monaco, G. Panati, A. Pisante, S. Teufel Optimal decay of Wannier functions in Chern and quantum Hall insulators Communications in Mathematical Physics 359, 61-100 (2018). [Springer, arXiv:1612.09552]
H. Cornean, D. Monaco, S. Teufel Wannier functions and Z_2 invariants in time-reversal symmetric topological insulators Reviews in Mathematical Physics 29, 1730001 (2017). [arXiv:1603.06752]
J. von Keler, S. Teufel The NLS limit for bosons in a quantum waveguide Annales Henri Poincare 17, 3321-3360 (2016). [Springer, arXiv:1510.03243]
S. Teufel, R. Tumulka Avoiding Ultraviolet Divergence by Means of Interior-Boundary Conditions [arXiv:1506.00497]
S. Teufel, R. Tumulka New Type of Hamiltonians Without Ultraviolet Divergence for Quantum Field Theories [arXiv:1505.04847]
S. Haag, J. Lampart, S. Teufel Generalised Quantum Waveguides Annales Henri Poincare 16, 2535-2568 (2015). [Springer, arXiv:1402.1067]
J. Lampart, S. Teufel The adiabatic limit of Schrödinger operators on fibre bundles Mathematische Annalen 367, 1647-1683 (2017). [Springer, arXiv:1402.0382]
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