Roderich Tumulka's Preprints and Publications
- Boundary Conditions that Remove Certain Ultraviolet Divergences
Symmetry 13(4): 577 (2021)
arXiv: 2406.16180 [abstract, PDF]
- Arrival Times Versus Detection Times
with Sheldon Goldstein and Nino Zanghì
Foundations of Physics 54: 63 (2024)
arXiv: 2405.04607 [abstract, PDF]
- Some Things I have Learned from Detlef Dürr
Pages 3-9 in: Angelo Bassi, Sheldon Goldstein, Roderich Tumulka, and Nino Zanghì (editors), Physics and the Nature of Reality: Essays in Memory of Detlef Dürr, Heidelberg: Springer (2024)
arXiv: 2405.04368 [abstract, PDF]
- On a Derivation of the Absorbing Boundary Rule
Physics Letters A 494: 129286 (2024)
arXiv: 2310.01343 [abstract, PDF]
- On the Spin Dependence of Detection Times and the Nonmeasurability of Arrival Times
with Sheldon Goldstein and Nino Zanghì
Scientific Reports 14: 3775 (2024)
arXiv: 2309.11835 [abstract, PDF]
- Canonical Typicality for Other Ensembles than Micro-Canonical
with Stefan Teufel and Cornelia Vogel
Annales Henri Poincaré, online first (2024)
arXiv: 2307.15624 [abstract, PDF]
- Typical Macroscopic Long-Time Behavior for Random Hamiltonians
with Stefan Teufel and Cornelia Vogel
Annales Henri Poincaré, online first (2024)
arXiv: 2303.13242 [abstract, PDF]
- Creation Rate of Dirac Particles at a Point Source
with Joscha Henheik
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 56: 445201 (2023)
arXiv: 2211.16606 [abstract, PDF]
- Time Evolution of Typical Pure States from a Macroscopic Hilbert Subspace
with Stefan Teufel and Cornelia Vogel
Journal of Statistical Physics 190: 69 (2023)
arXiv: 2210.10018 [abstract, PDF]
- Obituary of Detlef Dürr (1951-2021)
with Gernot Bauer, Dirk Deckert, Peter Pickl, and Stefan Teufel
International Association of Mathematical Physics: News Bulletin, pages 44-46 (January 2022)
- Limitations to Genuine Measurements in Ontological Models of Quantum Mechanics
Foundations of Physics 52: 110 (2022)
arXiv: 2205.05520 [abstract, PDF]
- Positron Position Operators. I. A Natural Option
Annals of Physics 443: 168988 (2022)
arXiv: 2111.12304 [abstract, PDF]
- Another Proof of Born’s Rule on Arbitrary Cauchy Surfaces
with Sascha Lill
Annales Henri Poincaré 23: 1489-1524 (2022)
arXiv: 2104.13861 [abstract, PDF]
- Multi-Time Wave Functions: An Introduction
with Matthias Lienert and Sören Petrat
Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag (2020)
- The man who explained quantum mechanics
A book review of David Bohm: A Life Dedicated to Understanding the Quantum World by Olival Freire Junior, Springer (2019)
Physics Today 73(7): 53-54 (2020)
- Interior-Boundary Conditions for the Dirac Equation at Point Sources in 3 Dimensions
with Joscha Henheik
Journal of Mathematical Physics 63(12): 122302 (2022)
arXiv: 2006.16755 [abstract, PDF]
- Uniform Probability Distribution Over All Density Matrices
with Eddy Keming Chen
Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 9: 225-233 (2022)
arXiv: 2003.13087 [abstract, PDF]
- Interior-Boundary Conditions for Schrödinger Operators on Codimension-1 Boundaries
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 53: 155201 (2020)
arXiv: 1808.06262 [abstract, PDF]
- Hamiltonians Without Ultraviolet Divergence for Quantum Field Theories
with Stefan Teufel.
Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 8: 17-35 (2021)
arXiv:1505.04847 [abstract, PDF]
- A Relativistic GRW Flash Process With Interaction
Pages 321-347 in: Valia Allori, Angelo Bassi, Detlef Dürr, and Nino Zanghì (editors), Do wave functions jump? Perspectives on the work of G.C. Ghirardi, Springer (2020)
arXiv: 2002.00482 [abstract, PDF]
- Consistency Proof for Multi-Time Schrödinger Equations with Particle Creation and Ultraviolet Cut-Off
with Sascha Lill and Lukas Nickel
Annales Henri Poincaré 22 1887-1936 (2021)
arXiv: 2001.05920 [abstract, PDF]
- Absorbing Boundary Condition as Limiting Case of Imaginary Potentials
Communications in Theoretical Physics 75: 015103 (2023)
arXiv: 1911.12730 [abstract, PDF]
- Gibbs and Boltzmann Entropy in Classical and Quantum Mechanics
with Sheldon Goldstein, Joel L. Lebowitz, and Nino Zanghì.
Pages 519-581 in: Valia Allori (editor), Statistical Mechanics and Scientific Explanation: Determinism, Indeterminism and Laws of Nature, Singapore: World Scientific (2020)
arXiv: 1903.11870 [abstract, PDF]
- The Problem of Boltzmann Brains and How Bohmian Mechanics Helps Solve It
Pages 540-545 in: E. Battistelli, R.T. Jantzen, and R. Ruffini (editors): Proceedings of the 15th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (Rome 2018), Singapore: World Scientific (2022)
arXiv: 1812.01909 [abstract, PDF]
- Bohmian Mechanics at Space-Time Singularities. I. Timelike Singularities
Journal of Geometry and Physics 145: 103478 (2019)
arXiv:0708.0070 [abstract, PDF]
- Interior-Boundary Conditions for Many-Body Dirac Operators and Codimension-1 Boundaries
with Julian Schmidt and Stefan Teufel
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52: 295202 (2019)
arXiv: 1811.02947 [abstract, PDF]
- Complex Charges, Time Reversal Asymmetry, and Interior-Boundary Conditions in Quantum Field Theory
with Julian Schmidt
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52: 115301 (2019)
(This article was chosen by the editors as an "IOPselect" article, the only one in this issue of JPA.)
arXiv: 1810.02173 [abstract, PDF]
- Bohmian Trajectories for Hamiltonians with Interior-Boundary Conditions
with Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, Stefan Teufel, and Nino Zanghì
Journal of Statistical Physics 180: 34-73 (2020)
arXiv: 1809.10235 [abstract, PDF]
- Interacting relativistic quantum dynamics of two particles on spacetimes with a Big Bang singularity
with Matthias Lienert
Journal of Mathematical Physics 60: 042302 (2019)
arXiv: 1805.06348 [abstract, PDF]
- On Bohmian Mechanics, Particle Creation, and Relativistic Space-Time: Happy 100th Birthday, David Bohm!
Writeup of a talk I gave at the conference EmQM17 in London, October 26-28, 2017
Entropy 20(6): 462 (2018)
arXiv: 1804.08853 [abstract, PDF]
- A new class of Volterra-type integral equations from relativistic quantum physics
with Matthias Lienert
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 31: 535-569 (2019)
arXiv: 1803.08792 [abstract, PDF]
- Multi-Time Wave Functions versus Multiple Timelike Dimensions
with Matthias Lienert and Sören Petrat
Foundations of Physics 47: 1582-1590 (2017)
arXiv:1708.03376 [abstract, PDF]
- Born's Rule for Arbitrary Cauchy Surfaces
with Matthias Lienert
Letters in Mathematical Physics 110: 753-804 (2020)
arXiv: 1706.07074 [abstract, PDF]
- Particle Creation at a Point Source by Means of Interior-Boundary Conditions
with Jonas Lampart, Julian Schmidt, and Stefan Teufel
Mathematical Physics, Analysis, and Geometry 21: 12 (2018)
arXiv:1703.04476 [abstract, PDF]
- Multi-Time Wave Functions
with Matthias Lienert and Sören Petrat
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 880: 012006 (2017)
arXiv:1702.05282 [abstract, PDF]
- Macroscopic and Microscopic Thermal Equilibrium
with Sheldon Goldstein, David A. Huse, and Joel L. Lebowitz
Annalen der Physik 529: 1600301 (2017)
arXiv:1610.02312 [abstract, PDF]
- Paradoxes and Primitive Ontology in Collapse Theories of Quantum Mechanics
Pages 134-153 in: Shan Gao (editor), Collapse of the Wave Function, Cambridge University Press (2018)
arXiv:1102.5767 [abstract, PDF]
- Bohmian Mechanics
Pages 257-271 in: Eleanor Knox and Alastair Wilson (editors), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics, Routledge (2022)
arXiv:1704.08017 [abstract, PDF]
- Is the Hypothesis About a Low Entropy Initial State of the Universe Necessary for Explaining the Arrow of Time?
with Sheldon Goldstein and Nino Zanghì
Physical Review D 94: 023520 (2016)
arXiv:1602.05601 [abstract, PDF]
- Detection Time Distribution for Several Quantum Particles
Physical Review A 106: 042220 (2022)
arXiv:1601.03871 [abstract, PDF]
- Distribution of the Time at Which an Ideal Detector Clicks
Annals of Physics 442: 168910 (2022)
arXiv:1601.03715 [abstract, PDF]
- On the Question Why There Exists Something Rather Than Nothing
Pages 76-82 in K. Chamcham, J. Silk, J.D. Barrow, and S. Saunders (editors): The Philosophy of Cosmology, Cambridge University Press (2017)
arXiv:2111.11968 [abstract, PDF]
- The Bohmian Approach to the Problems of Cosmological Quantum Fluctuations
with Sheldon Goldstein and Ward Struyve
To appear in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2027)
arXiv:1508.01017 [abstract, PDF]
2-page summary of this article for a broad audience [PDF, audio]
- Long-Time Asymptotics of a Bohmian Scalar Quantum Field in de Sitter Space-Time
General Relativity and Gravitation 48: 2 (2016)
arXiv:1507.08542 [abstract, PDF]
- Thermal Equilibrium of a Macroscopic Quantum System in a Pure State
with Sheldon Goldstein, David A. Huse, and Joel L. Lebowitz
Physical Review Letters 115: 100402 (2015)
arXiv:1506.07494 [abstract, PDF]
- Avoiding Ultraviolet Divergence by Means of Interior-Boundary Conditions
with Stefan Teufel.
Pages 293-311 in: Felix Finster, Johannes Kleiner, Christian Röken, and Jürgen Tolksdorf (editors), Quantum Mathematical Physics - A Bridge between Mathematics and Physics. Basel: Birkhäuser (2016)
arXiv:1506.00497 [abstract, PDF]
- Bohmian Mechanics for a Degenerate Time Foliation
with Ward Struyve.
Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 2: 349-358 (2015)
arXiv:1505.02844 [abstract, PDF]
- The Assumptions of Bell's Proof
Pages 79-90 in: Mary Bell and Shan Gao (editors), Quantum Nonlocality and Reality -- 50 Years of Bell's Theorem, Cambridge University Press (2016)
arXiv:1501.04168 [abstract, PDF]
- Any Orthonormal Basis in High Dimension is Uniformly Distributed over the Sphere
with Sheldon Goldstein, Joel L. Lebowitz, and Nino Zanghì.
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques 53: 701-717 (2017)
arXiv:1406.2576 [abstract, PDF]
- Bohmian Trajectories For a Time Foliation with Kinks
with Ward Struyve.
Journal of Geometry and Physics 82: 75-83 (2014)
arXiv:1311.3698 [abstract, PDF]
- Multi-Time Formulation of Pair Creation
with Sören Petrat.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47: 112001 (2014)
arXiv:1401.6093 [abstract, PDF]
- Multi-Time Equations, Classical and Quantum
with Sören Petrat.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 470(2164): 20130632 (2014)
arXiv:1309.1103 [abstract, PDF]
- Multi-Time Wave Functions for Quantum Field Theory
with Sören Petrat.
Annals of Physics 345: 17-54 (2014)
arXiv:1309.0802 [abstract, PDF]
- Multi-Time Schrödinger Equations Cannot Contain Interaction Potentials
with Sören Petrat.
Journal of Mathematical Physics 55: 032302 (2014)
arXiv:1308.1065 [abstract, PDF]
- Can One Detect Whether a Wave Function Has Collapsed?
with Charles Wesley Cowan.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47: 195303 (2014)
arXiv:1307.0810 [abstract, PDF]
- Detecting Wave Function Collapse Without Prior Knowledge
with Charles Wesley Cowan.
Journal of Mathematical Physics 56: 082103 (2015)
arXiv:1312.7321 [abstract, PDF]
- Epistemology of Wave Function Collapse in Quantum Physics
with Charles Wesley Cowan.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 67(2): 405-434 (2016)
arXiv:1307.0827 [abstract, PDF]
- Spin and the Thermal Equilibrium Distribution of Wave Functions
with Viraj Pandya.
Journal of Statistical Physics 154: 491-502 (2014)
arXiv:1306.1659 [abstract, PDF]
- Predictions and Primitive Ontology in Quantum Foundations: A Study of Examples
with Valia Allori, Sheldon Goldstein, and Nino Zanghì.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 65: 323-352 (2014)
arXiv:1206.0019 [abstract, PDF]
- Matter Density and Relativistic Models of Wave Function Collapse
with Daniel Bedingham, Detlef Dürr, GianCarlo Ghirardi, Sheldon Goldstein, and Nino Zanghì.
Journal of Statistical Physics 154: 623-631 (2014)
arXiv:1111.1425 [abstract, PDF]
- The Quantum Formalism and the GRW Formalism
with Sheldon Goldstein and Nino Zanghì.
Journal of Statistical Physics 149: 142-201 (2012)
"Along with the hundreds of junk papers on foundations of quantum mechanics there must be at least a few gems. This is one of them." (anonymous referee)
arXiv:0710.0885 [abstract, PDF]
- Parameter Diagrams of the GRW and CSL Theories of Wave Function Collapse
with William Feldmann.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45: 065304 (2012)
arXiv:1109.6579 [abstract, PDF]
- Comment on "Hidden Variable Interpretation of Spontaneous Localization Theory"
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 44: 478001 (2011)
arXiv:1108.1520 [abstract, PDF]
- Universal Probability Distribution for the Wave Function of a Quantum System Entangled with Its Environment
with Sheldon Goldstein, Joel L. Lebowitz, Christian Mastrodonato, and Nino Zanghì.
Communications in Mathematical Physics 342: 965-988 (2016)
arXiv:1104.5482 [abstract, PDF]
- On the Approach to Thermal Equilibrium of Macroscopic Quantum Systems [PDF]
with Sheldon Goldstein.
Pages 155-163 in: P. L. Garrido, J. Marro, F. de los Santos (editors), Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics Today: Proceedings of the 11th Granada Seminar on Computational and Statistical Physics (La Herradura, Spain, 13-17 September 2010). AIP Conference Proceedings 1332. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics (2011)
- English Translation of John von Neumann's 1929 Article on the Quantum Ergodic Theorem
European Physical Journal H: Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Physics 35: 201-237 (2010)
arXiv:1003.2133 [abstract, PDF]
- Long-Time Behavior of Macroscopic Quantum Systems: Commentary Accompanying the English Translation of John von Neumann's 1929 Article on the Quantum Ergodic Theorem
with Sheldon Goldstein, Joel L. Lebowitz, and Nino Zanghì.
European Physical Journal H: Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Physics 35: 173-200 (2010)
arXiv:1003.2129 [abstract, PDF]
- Approach to Thermal Equilibrium of Macroscopic Quantum Systems
with Sheldon Goldstein, Joel L. Lebowitz, Christian Mastrodonato, and Nino Zanghì.
Physical Review E 81: 011109 (2010)
arXiv:0911.1724 [abstract, PDF]
- Normal Typicality and von Neumann's Quantum Ergodic Theorem
with Sheldon Goldstein, Joel L. Lebowitz, Christian Mastrodonato, and Nino Zanghì.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 466(2123): 3203-3224 (2010)
arXiv:0907.0108 [abstract, PDF]
- What Does the Free Will Theorem Actually Prove?
with Sheldon Goldstein, Daniel Victor Tausk, and Nino Zanghì.
Notices of the American Mathematical Society 57(11): 1451-1453 (2010)
arXiv:0905.4641 [abstract, PDF]
- Many-Worlds and Schrödinger's First Quantum Theory
with Valia Allori, Sheldon Goldstein, and Nino Zanghì.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62(1): 1-27 (2011)
arXiv:0903.2211 [abstract, PDF]
- Bohmian Mechanics at Space-Time Singularities. II. Spacelike Singularities
General Relativity and Gravitation 42: 303-346 (2010)
arXiv:0808.3060 [abstract, PDF]
- Can We Make a Bohmian Electron Reach the Speed of Light, at Least for One Instant?
with Daniel Victor Tausk.
Journal of Mathematical Physics 51: 122306 (2010)
arXiv:0806.4476 [abstract, PDF]
- Paradoxical Reflection in Quantum Mechanics
with Pedro L. Garrido, Sheldon Goldstein, and Jani Lukkarinen.
American Journal of Physics 79(12): 1218-1231 (2011)
arXiv:0808.0610 [abstract, PDF]
- Comment on "A New Proof of Bell's Theorem Based on Fourier Series Analysis" by H. Razmi [PDF]
Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie 34(1): 39-41 (2009)
- Bohmian Mechanics
with Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, and Nino Zanghì.
In: F. Weinert, K. Hentschel, and D. Greenberger (editors), Compendium of Quantum Physics, Springer-Verlag (2009)
arXiv:0903.2601 [abstract, PDF]
- A Kolmogorov Extension Theorem for POVMs
Letters in Mathematical Physics 84: 41-46 (2008)
arXiv:0710.3605 [abstract, PDF]
- The Point Processes of the GRW Theory of Wave Function Collapse
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 21: 155-227 (2009)
arXiv:0711.0035 [abstract, PDF]
A previous version of this article was accepted as a Habilitation thesis [PDF] by the Mathematics Institute of Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany.
- Elementary Proof for Asymptotics of Large Haar-Distributed Unitary Matrices
with Christian Mastrodonato.
Letters in Mathematical Physics 82: 51-59 (2007)
arXiv:0705.3146 [abstract, PDF]
- Comment on "The Free Will Theorem"
Foundations of Physics 37: 186-197 (2007)
arXiv:quant-ph/0611283 [abstract, PDF]
- Reduced coherence in double-slit diffraction of neutrons
with Andrea Viale and Nino Zanghì.
Physical Review A 75: 055602 (2007)
arXiv:quant-ph/0608021 [abstract, PDF]
- The "Unromantic Pictures" of Quantum Theory
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40: 3245-3273 (2007)
arXiv:quant-ph/0607124 [abstract, PDF]
- Collapse and Relativity
Pages 340-352 in: A. Bassi, D. Dürr, T. Weber and N. Zanghì (editors), Quantum Mechanics: Are there Quantum Jumps? and On the Present Status of Quantum Mechanics. AIP Conference Proceedings 844. American Institute of Physics (2006).
arXiv:quant-ph/0602208 [abstract, PDF]
- On the Common Structure of Bohmian Mechanics and the Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber Theory
with Valia Allori, Sheldon Goldstein, and Nino Zanghì.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59: 353-389 (2008)
arXiv:quant-ph/0603027 [abstract, PDF] and PhilSci 2811
- Determinate Values for Quantum Observables
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58: 355-360 (2007)
arXiv:quant-ph/0605130 [abstract, PDF] and PhilSci 2698
- The Message of the Quantum?
with Martin Daumer, Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, Tim Maudlin, and Nino Zanghì.
Pages 129-132 in: A. Bassi, D. Dürr, T. Weber and N. Zanghì (editors), Quantum Mechanics: Are there Quantum Jumps? and On the Present Status of Quantum Mechanics. AIP Conference Proceedings 844. American Institute of Physics (2006).
arXiv:quant-ph/0604173 [abstract, PDF] and PhilSci 2718
- Canonical Typicality
with Sheldon Goldstein, Joel L. Lebowitz, and Nino Zanghì.
Physical Review Letters 96: 050403 (2006)
arXiv:cond-mat/0511091 [abstract, PDF]
- On Spontaneous Wave Function Collapse and Quantum Field Theory
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 462: 1897-1908 (2006)
arXiv:quant-ph/0508230 [abstract, PDF]
- On Superselection Rules in Bohm-Bell Theories
with Samuel Colin and Thomas Durt.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39: 15403-15419 (2006)
arXiv:quant-ph/0509177 [abstract, PDF]
- Quantum Mechanics in Multiply-Connected Spaces
with Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, James Taylor, and Nino Zanghì.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40: 2997-3031 (2007)
arXiv:quant-ph/0506173 [abstract, PDF]
- Topological Factors Derived From Bohmian Mechanics
with Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, James Taylor, and Nino Zanghì.
Annales Henri Poincaré 7: 791-807 (2006)
arXiv:quant-ph/0601076 [abstract, PDF]
- Bell's Jump Process in Discrete Time
with Jonathan Barrett and Matthew Leifer.
Europhysics Letters 72: 685-690 (2005)
arXiv:quant-ph/0506066 [abstract, PDF]
- The Analogue of Bohm-Bell Processes on a Graph
Physics Letters A 348(3-6): 126-134 (2005)
arXiv:quant-ph/0508109 [abstract, PDF]
- What is the one thing everyone should learn about science? [HTML]
answering a question that online magazine spiked asked 250 scientists.
spiked , E=mc2 centenary survey (April 2005)
Reprinted, among 29 selected answers, in The Guardian, Life supplement, April 7, 2005.
- Feynman's Path Integrals and Bohm's Particle Paths
European Journal of Physics 26: L11-L13 (2005)
arXiv:quant-ph/0501167 [abstract, PDF]
- Smoothness of Wave Functions in Thermal Equilibrium
with Nino Zanghì.
Journal of Mathematical Physics 46: 112104 (2005)
arXiv:math-ph/0509028 [abstract, PDF] and mp_arc 05-320
- A Relativistic Version of the Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber Model
Journal of Statistical Physics 125: 821-840 (2006)
arXiv:quant-ph/0406094 [abstract, PDF]
- Simple Proof for Global Existence of Bohmian Trajectories
with Stefan Teufel.
Communications in Mathematical Physics 258: 349-365 (2005)
arXiv:math-ph/0406030 [abstract, PDF]
- Are All Particles Real?
with Sheldon Goldstein, James Taylor, and Nino Zanghì.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36(1): 103-112 (2005)
arXiv:quant-ph/0404134 [abstract, PDF] and PhilSci 1728
- Some Jump Processes in Quantum Field Theory
with Hans-Otto Georgii.
Pages 55-73 in: J.-D. Deuschel, A. Greven (editors), Interacting Stochastic Systems. Berlin: Springer-Verlag (2005)
arXiv:math.PR/0312326 [abstract, PDF]
- Global Existence of Bell's Time-Inhomogeneous Jump Process for Lattice Quantum Field Theory
with Hans-Otto Georgii.
Markov Processes and Related Fields 11: 1-18 (2005)
arXiv:math.PR/0312294 [abstract, PDF] and mp_arc 04-11
- Are All Particles Identical?
with Sheldon Goldstein, James Taylor, and Nino Zanghì.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38: 1567-1576 (2005)
arXiv:quant-ph/0405039 [abstract, PDF]
- On the Role of Density Matrices in Bohmian Mechanics
with Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, and Nino Zanghì.
Foundations of Physics 35: 449-467 (2005)
arXiv:quant-ph/0311127 [abstract, PDF]
- On the Distribution of the Wave Function for Systems in Thermal Equilibrium
with Sheldon Goldstein, Joel L. Lebowitz, and Nino Zanghì.
Journal of Statistical Physics 125: 1193-1221 (2006)
arXiv:quant-ph/0309021 [abstract, PDF] and mp_arc 05-135
- John Bell Across Space and Time
with Nino Zanghì.
American Scientist 91(5): 461-462 (2003)
arXiv:quant-ph/0309020 [abstract, PDF]
- Bohmian Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory
with Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, and Nino Zanghì.
Physical Review Letters 93: 090402 (2004)
arXiv:quant-ph/0303156 [abstract, PDF]
- Bell-Type Quantum Field Theories
with Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, and Nino Zanghì.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38: R1-R43 (2005)
arXiv:quant-ph/0407116 [abstract, PDF]
- Quantum Hamiltonians and Stochastic Jumps
with Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, and Nino Zanghì.
Communications in Mathematical Physics 254: 129-166 (2005)
arXiv:quant-ph/0303056 [abstract, PDF]
- Trajectories and Particle Creation and Annihilation in Quantum Field Theory
with Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, and Nino Zanghì.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36: 4143-4149 (2003)
arXiv:quant-ph/0208072 [abstract, PDF]
- Comment on ``Time-like flows of energy-momentum and particle trajectories for the Klein-Gordon equation''
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35: 7961-7962 (2002)
arXiv:quant-ph/0202140 [abstract, PDF]
This is a comment on a paper by Horton et al. Here is their reply to my comment, to which I have written a
Response to Horton and Dewdney
arXiv:quant-ph/0210018 [abstract, PDF]
- Ph.D. thesis [PDF]
Written in 2001 at the Mathematics Institute of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Advisor: Detlef Dürr.
- Opposite Arrows of Time Can Reconcile Relativity and Nonlocality
with Sheldon Goldstein.
Classical and Quantum Gravity 20: 557-564 (2003)
arXiv:quant-ph/0105040 [abstract, PDF]
- Würfelt Gott? Und wenn ja, wann? [html]
Süddeutsche Zeitung 4.1.2000
This is a report on the conference "Chance in Physics: Foundations and Perspectives", Ischia, Italy, 29.11.-3.12.1999
- Understanding Bohmian mechanics: A dialogue
American Journal of Physics 72(9): 1220-1226 (2004)
arXiv:quant-ph/0408113 [abstract, PDF]
- Diplomarbeit (in German) [PS]
Written in 1998 at the Mathematics Department of Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Advisor: H.F. de Groote.