Fachbereich Mathematik

Errata for the book "Foundations of Quantum Mechanics"

  • page vii paragraph 2 line 1: "Much of what I am trying to explain here have been learned from" should be "Much of what I am trying to explain here I have learned from"
  • page 10 Eq. (1.39): psi(i) should be |psi(i)|2
  • page 17 fifth line after (1.66): "and Omega (the phase space)" should be "and Omega = Gamma x R with Gamma (the phase space)". Correspondingly, Omega should be replaced by Gamma everywhere on the remainder of page 17.
  • page 45 last line: "with -pi/4 < theta < pi/4" should be "with n pi-pi/4 < theta < n pi + pi/4 for integer n"
  • page 49 Eq. (2.38): "dk" should be "d3k"
  • page 62 line 4: "generalized ONB" should be "generalized ONB (GONB)"
  • page 62 Sec. 2.2.5 line 2: "then the outcome" should be "the outcome"
  • page 62 Sec. 2.2.5 line 6: "discrete or continuous" should be "continuous or discrete"
  • page 69, 4 lines before (2.110): "if spinors phi, chi" should be "if 1d subspaces C phi, C chi"
  • page 69, 2 lines before (2.110): "two vectors phi, chi" should be "two 1d subspaces C phi, C chi"
  • page 69, add after (2.110): "On the other hand, the cosine of the angle between the two vectors phi, chi is best defined as Re <phi|chi>/||phi|| ||chi||."
  • page 69, Exercise 2.8(b): "if phi and chi" should be "if C phi and C chi"
  • page 100 footnote 5: "Random numbers match with probability 1/10+1/100+1/1000...=1/9 (geometric series)." should be "Random numbers match with probability 1-(9/10)(99/100)(999/1000)..., which is approximately 0.11."
  • page 100 footnote 5: "8/9 of them" should be "about 89% of them"
  • page 176 Exercise 4.5(a): "=1/root(2)" should be "= -1/root(2)"
  • page 208 Eq. (5.87): The proposal by Aharonov and Bohm was actually T = -(m/2)(XP-1 + P-1X). But that has similar problems as the expression printed as (5.87).
  • page 249, two lines before (5.199): "at t1---defines" should be "at t1- defines" [meaning the left limit at t1, that is, just before t1]
  • page 297 line before (6.138): "r2 sin theta d theta d phi" should be "r2 sin theta dr d theta d phi"
  • page 298 Eq. (6.140c): "|psi|2" should be "|psi(1)|2"
  • page 298 Eq. (6.141): a factor r2 is missing
  • page 303 Eq. (6.168): "N+1" under the square root should be "N"
  • page 442 line 2: "B_{z_1...z_k}" should be "B_{Z_1...Z_k}"

I wish to thank the readers who have informed me about mistakes.

Last change of this page: 3 September 2024