Dr. Wei Wu |
New York University Shanghai, China |
22.05.2025 |
Kshiti Rai |
Leiden University, Netherlands |
13. - 16.05.2025 |
Dr. Blazej Wrobel |
University of Wroclaw, Poland |
6. - 9.05.2025 |
Dr. Arka Adhikari |
University of Maryland, USA |
6. - 12.04.2025 |
Lucy Dhumeaux |
University of Birmingham, UK |
12. - 14.03.2025 |
Lucas Kersten |
LMU Munich, Germany |
05. - 07.03.2025 |
Dr. Jingxuan Zhang |
Tsinghua University, PR China |
21. - 28.02.2025 |
Dr. Andrew Lucas |
University of Colorado Boulder, USA |
10. - 16.02.2025 |
Dr. Daniele Toniolo |
UCL London, UK |
06.02.2025 |
Harman Preet Signh |
SISSA, Italy |
30.01.2025 |
Dr. Amirali Hannani |
KU Leuven, Belgium |
22. - 25.01.2025 |
Dr. Andreas Bluhm |
Université Grenoble, France |
20. - 24.01.2025 |
Dr. Christopher Cedzich |
University Düsseldorf, Germany |
08. - 10.01.2024 |
Dr. Antonio Joaquin Garcia Suarez |
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland |
09.12.2024 |
Florian Haberberger |
LMU Munich, Germany |
05. - 06.12.2024 |
Prof. Christian Hainzl |
LMU Munich, Germany |
05. - 07.12.2024 |
Dr. Shahnaz Farhat |
Constructor University Bremen, Germany |
27. - 29.11.2024 |
Dr. Michel Alexis |
University of Bonn, Germany |
06. - 08.11.2024 |
Patrick Fischer |
University of Regensburg, Germany |
01.10.2024 |
Prof. Felix Finster |
University of Regensburg, Germany |
01.10.2024 |
Prof. Alessandro Pizzo |
Tor Vergada University of Rome, Italy |
01.10.2024 |
Prof. Sven Bachmann |
University of British Columbia, Canada |
10. - 11.07.2024 |
Prof. Tadahiro Miyao |
Hokkaido University, Japan |
08. - 10.07.2024 |
Dr. Jingxuan Zhang |
Tsinghua University, PR China |
14. - 27.06.2024 |
Dr. Simon Becker |
ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
12. - 14.06.2024 |
Dr. Mitia Duerinckx |
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium |
14. - 17.05.2024 |
Dr. Philipp Strasberg |
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain |
02.05.2024 |
Dr. Simone Rademacher |
LMU Munich, Germany |
25.04.2024 |
Prof. Michael Kießling |
Rutgers, USA |
25. - 28.03.2024 |
Llorenç Escolà |
QuSoft Amsterdam, Netherlands |
26.02. - 01.03.2024 |
Shreya Mehta |
Imperial College London, UK |
05. - 09.02.2024 |
Dr. Christiaan van de Ven |
University of Würzburg, Germany |
21. - 22.12.2023 |
Dr. Jonas Lampart |
Laboratoirse Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, France |
04. - 08.12.2023 |
Prof. Christian Brennecke |
University of Bonn, Germany |
16.11.2023 |
Tim Möbus |
TU Munich, Germany |
15. - 17.11.2023 |
Andreas Bluhm |
Université Grenoble, France |
13. - 17.11.2023 |
Prof. Jochen Gemmer |
Osnabrück University, Germany |
12. - 14.07.2023 |
Prof. Avy Soffer |
Rutgers, USA |
25.06. - 08.07.2023 |
Sebastian Stengele |
TU Munich, Germany |
25. - 28.06.2023 |
Dr. Simone Rademacher |
LMU Munich, Germany |
22.06.2023 |
Prof. Horia Cornean |
University of Aalborg, Denmark |
28. - 31.05.2023 |
Prof. Israel Michael Sigal |
University of Toronto, Canada |
27. - 31.05.2023 |
Jingxuan Zhang |
University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
23. - 26.05.2023 |
Dr. Benjamin Hinrichs |
University of Paderborn, Germany |
14. - 17.05.2023 |
Pablo Costa Rico |
TU Munich, Germany |
20.04.2023 |
Dr. Alvaro Alhambra |
Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Madrid |
10. - 14.04.2023 |
Samuel Scalet |
University of Cambridge, UK |
10. - 15.04.2023 |
Dr. Barbara Roos |
IST Austria |
16. - 20.01.2023 |
Alberto Ruiz de Alarcon | Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain | 14. - 17.12.2022 |
Andrei Radu | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | 12.12. - 16.12.2022 |
Sebastian Stengele | University of Innsbruck, Austria | 08. - 09.12.2022 |
Dr. Lea Boßmann | LMU Munich, Germany | 05. - 08.12.2022 |
Prof. Matthias Keller | University of Potsdam, Germany | 22. - 25.11.2022 |
Dr. Mitia Duerinckx | Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium | 24. - 28.10.2022 |
François Pagano | Université de Genève, Switzerland | 24. - 26.10.2022 |
Prof. Liu Jian-Guo | Duke University, USA | 19. - 22.10.2022 |
Dr. Cambyse Rouzé | TU Munich, Germany | 09. - 11.08.2022 |
Prof. Lásló Erdös | ISTA Klosterneuburg, Austria | 21. - 22.07.2022 |
Dr. Giuseppe De Nittis | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | 11. - 15.07.2022 |
Dr. Niels Benedikter | University of Milan, Italy | 07.07.2022 |
Yifan Jia | TU Munich, Germany | 23.06.2022 |
Dr. Li Gao | University of Houston, USA | 20.06.2022 |
Hannah Price | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | 02.06.2022 |
Serj Aristarkhov | LMU Munich, Germany | 13. - 14.04.2022 |
Dr. Domenico Monaco | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy | 04. - 08.04.2022 |
Dr. Giovanna Marcelli | SISSA Trieste, Italy | 04. - 08.04.2022 |
Siegfried Spruck | Wuppertal, Germany | 28. - 29.03.2022 |
Dr. Jonas Lampart | Laboratoirse Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, France | 28. - 29.03.2022 |
Prof. Marco Merkli | Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada | 09. - 12.02.2022 |
Dr. Amanda Young | TU Munich, Germany | 14. - 17.12.2021 |
Caroline de Groot | MPQ Munich, Germany | 02.12.2021 |
Tim Möbus | TU Munich, Germany | 26.11.2021 |
Dr. David Sutter | IBM Zurich, Switzerland | 23. - 25.11.2021 |
Dr. Alvaro Alhambra | MPQ Munich, Germany | 10. - 11.11.2021 |
Prof. Horia Cornean | Aalborg University, Denmark | 27. - 29.10.2021 |
Dr. Jonas Lampart | Laboratoirse Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, France | 18.10. - 22.10.2021 |
Prof. Horia Cornean | Aalborg University, Denmark | 10. - 11.09.2020 |
Dr. Kasia Rejzner | University of York, UK | 04. - 05.03.2020 |
Prof. Soeren Fournais | Aarhus University, Denmark | 02. - 03.03.2020 |
Dr. Per Moosavi | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | 09.12. - 14.12.2019 |
Dr. Massimo Moscolari | Aalborg University, Denmark | 03.12. - 06.12.2019 |
Prof. Gianluca Panati | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy | 25.11. - 29.11.2019 |
Prof. Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh | Rutgers, USA | 03.07. - 07.07.2019 |
Prof. Sören Petrat | Jacobs University Bremen | 18.06.2019 |
Dr. David Mitrouskas | Stuttgart University, Germany | 06.06.2019 |
Siddhant Das, Markus Nöth | LMU Munich, Germany | 25.04.2019 |
Keming Chen | Rutgers University, USA | 21.03.2019 |
Dr. Douglas Lundholm | KHT Stockholm, Sweden | 30.01. - 01.02.2019 |
Alexander Bols | KU Leuven, Belgium | 21.01. - 25.01.2019 |
Prof. Heribert Weigert | University of Cape Town, South Africa | 17.01. - 18.01.2019 |
Prof. Horia Cornean | Aalborg University, Denmark | 08.01. - 11.01.2019 |
Dr. Jonas Lampart | Laboratoirse Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, France | 17.12. - 21.12.2018 |
Prof. Clotilde Fermanian | Paris Est-Créteil University, France | 29.11. - 01.12.2018 |
Alix Deleporte | University of Strasbourg, France | 05.11. - 09.11.2018 |
Lukas Nickel | LMU Munich, Germany | 05.09. - 07.09.2018 |
Franz Sax | LMU Munich, Germany | 19.07. - 20.07.2018 |
Maram Akila | University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany | 05.07. - 06.07.2018 |
Dr. Michele Correggi | Sapienza University, Rom, Italy | 14.05. - 18.05.2018 |
Dr. Alexander Watson | Duke University, Durham, USA | 16.05. - 18.05.2018 |
Dr. Andreas Deuchert | IST Austria | 14.05.2018 |
Prof. Michael Loss | Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA | 04.05.2018 |
Dr. Nikhil Savale | University of Cologne, Germany | 03.05. - 04.05.2018 |
Prof. Vojkan Jaksic | McGill University, Montreal, Canada | 17.04. - 20.04.2018 |
Dr. Jonas Lampart | Laboratoirse Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, France | 19.03. - 23.03.2018 |
Prof. Peter Müller | LMU Munich, Germany | 15.03.2018 |
Sascha Lill | LMU Munich, Germany | 15.02.2018 |
Dr. Antoine Tilloy | MPI of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany | 31.01. - 02.02.2018 |
Prof. Benjamin Schlein | University of Zurich, Switzerland | 22.01. - 24.01.2018 |
Prof. Charles Sebens | University of California at San Diego, USA | 18.01.2018 |
Dr. Niels Benedikter | IST Austria | 20.12. - 21.12.2017 |
Dr. Clément Tauber | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | 05.12. - 08.12.2017 |
Prof. Christof Sparber | University of Illinois at Chicago, USA | 27.11. - 01.12.2017 |
Matthias Geyer | TU Dresden, Germany | 16.11.2017 |
Lukas Nikel | LMU Munich, Germany | 02.11.2017 |
Maik Reddiger | TU Berlin, Germany | 18.09. - 19.09.2017 |
Lorenzo Fant | Trieste, Italy | 12.09. - 14.09.2017 |
Judith Alcock-Zeilinger | University of Cape Town, South Africa | 28.08. - 31.08.2017 |
Prof. Horia Cornean | Aalborg University, Denmark | 13.06. - 16.06.2017 |
Siddhant Das | LMU Munich, Germany | 17.05. - 19.05.2017 |
Marcel Schaub | LMU Munich, Germany | 04.05. - 05.05.2017 |
Dr. Clément Tauber | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | 01.02. - 02.02.2017 |
Prof. Gianluca Panati | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy | 30.01. - 03.02.2017 |
Prof. Jürg Fröhlich | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | 23.11. - 26.11.2016 |
Giovanna Marcelli | Sapienza University of Rome, Italy | 15.10.16 - 24.02.17 |
Prof. Rupert Frank | California Institute of Technology, USA | 09.09. - 11.09.2016 |
Dr. Eman Hamza | Cairo University, Egypt | 15.07. - 14.10.2016 |
Prof. Thomas Chen | University of Texas at Austin, USA | 13.07. - 14.07.2016 |
Dr. Marcin Napiorkowski | IST Austria | 22.06. - 24.06.2016 |
Lea Boßmann | LMU Munich, Germany | 23.06.2016 |
Dr. Jens Bolte | Royal Holloway University of London, UK | 20.06. - 01.07.2016 |
Prof. Edwin Langmann | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden | 14.06. - 17.06.2016 |
Sabiha Tokus | Heidelberg University, Germany | 09.06.2016 |
Dr. Matthias Lienert | LMU Munich, Germany | 07.03. - 09.03.2016 |
Prof. Benjamin Schlein | University of Zurich, Switzerland | 01.03. - 03.03.2016 |
Prof. Christian Klein | Université de Bourgogne, France | 17.12.2015 |
Prof. Peter Pickl | LMU Munich, Germany | 04.12.2015 |
Dr. Eman Hamza | University of Grenoble, France | 30.11. - 04.12.2015 |
Prof. Horia Cornean | Aalborg University, Denmark | 05.10. - 09.10.2015 |
Prof. Rupert Frank | California Institute of Technology, USA | 21.09. - 23.09.2015 |
Marius Lemm | California Institute of Technology, USA | 04.09. - 08.09.2015 |
Prof. Roderich Tumulka | Rutgers, USA | 03.08. - 14.08.2015 |
Prof. Tucker Carrington | Queen's University Kingston, Canada | 15.07. - 16.07.2015 |
Dr. Marcello Porta | University of Zurich, Switzerland | 13.07. - 17.07.2015 |
Dr. Lysianne Hari | University of Pisa, Italy | 08.07. - 10.07.2015 |
Prof. Jan Philip Solovej | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 30.06. - 03.07.2015 |
Prof. Ivan Oseledets | Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Moscow, Russia | 28.06. - 02.07.2015 |
Dr. Olaf Müller | University of Regensburg, Germany | 25.06.2015 |
Prof. Volker Bach | TU Braunschweig, Germany | 12.06.2015 |
Prof. Tomoki Ohsawa | University of Texas at Dallas, USA | 25.05. - 29.05.2015 |
Dr. Jutho Haegeman | Ghent University, Belgium | 18.05. - 19.05.2015 |
Dr. Christian Sadel | IST Austria | 13.05. - 14.05.2015 |
Dr. Jonas Lampart | Université Paris Dauphine, France | 20.04. - 24.04.2015 |
Simone Rademacher | LMU Munich, Germany | 19.03. - 20.03.2015 |
Dr. Giuseppe De Nittis | FAU Erlanagen-Nürnberg, Germany | 26.01. - 30.01.2015 |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Guhr | University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany | 12.01. - 13.01.2015 |
Domenico Monaco | SISSA Triest, Italy | 16.12. - 18.12.2014 |
Prof. Dr. Daniel Grieser | University of Oldenburg, Germany | 12.12.2014 |
Prof. Dr. Volker Betz | TU Darmstadt, Germany | 28.11.2014 |
Matthias Lienert | LMU Munich, Germany | 13.11. - 14.11.2014 |
Prof. Thierry Jecko | Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France | 03.11. - 06.11.2014 |
Prof. Michael Sigal | University of Toronto, Canada | 06.06.2014 |
Dr. Max Lein | University of Toronto, Canada | 26.05. - 30.05.2014 |
Prof. Jan Derezinski | University of Warsaw, Polen | 21.05. - 25.05.2014 |
Prof. Tucker Carrington | Queen's University Kingston, Canada | 19.05. - 20.05.2014 |
Dr. Volker Branding | Vienna University of Technology, Austria | 16.02. - 21.02.2014 |
Prof. Georg Bruun | Aarhus University, Denmark | 04.12. - 06.12.2013 |
Dr. Gustavo de Oliveira | University of Bonn, Germany | 21.11.2013 |
Dr. Jens Bolte | Royal Holloway University of London, UK | 07.11.2013 |
Prof. Dr. Anna Dall'Acqua | University of Ulm, Germany | 31.10.2013 |