Convex geometry/konvexe Geometrie
If students who do not speak German want to participate, the class will be held in english. Else we can speak German. Of course, questions can be asked in German any time, and the teachers know German well, so this is not an obstruction for any German speaking student.
If you have questions about the class, please contact Hannah Markwig.
The class takes place Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-10 in N14.
The class will be accompanied by exercise classes. The first set of exercises will given out on Th, Oct 24. You have one week to work on the exercises. You can work in teams of size up to three students. You should hand in the exercises to Loujean Cobigo, either online via urm, or in her letter box. There will be exercise classes during which Loujean discusses the solutions of the exercises with you. These classes meet Wednesdays, 12-14, in S11. The first meeting is on November 6.
Here you can find the exercise sheets:
- Exercise sheet 1
- Exercise sheet 2
- Exercise sheet 3
- Exercise sheet 4
- Exercise sheet 5
- Exercise sheet 6
- Exercise sheet 7
- Exercise sheet 8
- Exercise sheet 9
- Exercise sheet 10
- Exercise sheet 11
- Exercise sheet 12
Please register at urm:
Requirements for this class are: Analysis 1+2, Linear Algebra 1, Algebraic structures.
The topics are: the theory of polytopes, cones, polyhedra and related objects. The methods combine geometry, combinatorics and linear algebra. The class will train your visual thinking, in particular spatial imagination.
The class follows these notes.
One of your fellow students, Monica Janders, kindly volunteered to type the notes (as long as she finds time). You can find these typed notes here. If you spot any typos, please let her know. Many thanks to Monica Janders for her work!
There will be oral exams in the next term-free time.