Fachbereich Mathematik

Oberseminar Kombinatorische Algebraische Geometrie

Plans for Summer term 2025:

Mi, 14-16, SR10.

16.4. Tobias Schnieders: Representation Classes of Arithmetic Matroids and their Cardinality 

When do given sets of vectors have the same combinatorial structure of linear independence relations between them? To answer this question, representation spaces of matroids are widely studied on vector spaces over fields. Arithmetic matroids were introduced in order to consider moduls over the integers instead of vector spaces. It turns out that every arithmetic matroid has at most finitely many representation classes up to a simple equivalence relation. I studied such representation classes and the possible numbers of representation classes an arithmetic matroid can or cannot have. Although they are not completely classified yet, some results and computations suggest a deep connection between these numbers and the image of Euler's totient function. 

30.4. (5pm via zoom) Chongyao Chen

Winter Semester 2024/25

The seminar usually takes place on Wednesday from 10 to 12 (c.t.) in room C4H33.

23.10. Andres Jaramillo Puentes (Tübingen)

Study of Real Trigonal Curves and applications

A trigonal curve is a reduced, irreducible curve lying on a uniruled Hirzebruch surface, whose projection induces a three-to-one map to the projective line. In this talk, we will introduce the concept of the dessin d'enfant associated with a real trigonal curve, a type of graph embedding used to study Riemann surfaces and provide combinatorial invariants. We will describe the real properties of the dessins and explain their applications to real algebraic geometry and singularity theory. The first application is the classification of the chambers of the moduli space of real rational plane quintics, an instance of the modern formulation of Hilbert’s 16th problem. The second is the classification of the morsifications of a real semi-quasi-homogeneous singularity of type (3,k).


Clemens Nollau (Tübingen)

Towards Brill-Noether Theory for Spectral Curves

This talk is motivated by the classical study of curves via varieties of linear systems and the recent progress in understanding Brill-Noether Theory for curves with a fixed gonality. We give an approach to these problems for the class of spectral curves. To do this we define spectral curves via characteristic polynomials of Higgs bundles. We present results in two special cases: Canonical double covers and spectral curves over the projective line. In the end we give some outlook on ongoing work with Hitchin's spectral curves.

6.11. Angelina Zheng (Tübingen)

 Tropical trigonal curves

The moduli of algebraic curves admits a well known stratification by gonality. We would like to study the locus of d-gonal curves, but in the moduli space of tropical curves. We will first review the hyperelliptic case, studied by Melody Chan. In particular, for hyperelliptic curves, the divisorial 2-gonality of the metric graph defining the curve is precisely equivalent to its combinatorial analogue, the 2-gonality of its underlying graph. We will show that, if we allow tropical modifications, then such a relation can be generalized also to the trigonal case. This is a work in progress with Margarida Melo.

11.11. Christopher Voll (Bielefeld) Exceptionally on a Monday at 2pm.

Hall-Littlewood polynomials, affine Schubert series, and lattice enumeration

In this talk, I would like you to meet Hall-Littlewood-Schubert series, a new class of multivariate generating functions. Their definition features semistandard Young tableaux and polynomials resembling the classical Hall-Littlewood polynomials.

Their intrinsic beauty notwithstanding, Hall-Littlewood-Schubert series have many applications to counting problems in algebra, geometry, and number theory. In my talk the spotlight will be on applications to affine Schubert series. These may be seen as an integral analogue of the Poincare polynomials enumerating the rational points over finite fields of classical Schubert varieties. The latter parametrize subspaces of a given vector space by the intersection dimensions with a fixed flag of reference.

This is joint work with Joshua Maglione. I will explain things from scratch, assuming no familiarity with the advanced technical vocabulary used in this abstract.

13.11. Hannah Larson (UC Berkeley) Exceptionally at 6pm, online.

Send an email to Daniele Agostini for the Zoom link.

Brill--Noether theory of special curves

Brill--Noether theory studies the maps of curves C to projective spaces. The classical Brill--Noether theorem (established by work of Eisenbud, Fulton, Geiseker, Griffiths, Harris, Lazarsfeld) describes the geometry of this space of maps when C is a general curve. However, the theorem fails for special curves, notably curves that are already equipped with some unexpected map to a projective space. The first case of this is when C is a low-degree cover of the projective line. For general such covers, the Hurwitz--Brill--Noether theorem (joint with E. Larson and I. Vogt) provides a suitable analogue. I'll also present results (joint with S. Vemulapalli) regarding the next natural case: when C is equipped with an embedding in the projective plane.


Qaasim Shafi (Heidelberg)

Tropical refined curve counting and mirror symmetry

An old theorem, due to Mikhalkin, says that the number of rational plane curves of degree d through 3d-1 points is equal to a count of tropical curves (combinatorial objects which are more amenable to computations). There are two natural directions for generalising this result: extending to higher genus curves and allowing for more general conditions than passing through points. I’ll discuss a generalisation which does both, as well as recent work connecting it to mirror symmetry for log Calabi-Yau surfaces. This is joint work with Patrick Kennedy-Hunt and Ajith Urundolil Kumaran. 

27.11. Pietro Beri (Nancy)

Cones of divisors for moduli spaces of polarized hyper-Kahler manifolds

We describe how to compute cones of Noether-Lefschetz divisors on orthogonal modular varieties, with a particular view towards moduli spaces of polarized K3 surfaces and hyperkähler manifolds. We then describe some geometric applications of these cone computations for these moduli spaces. This is a joint work with I. Barros, L. Flapan and B. Williams.

6.12. SWAG joint Seminar with Stuttgart and Ulm, N14

14:00 - 15:00: Frederik Witt (Stuttgart): Introduction to toric geometry

15:00 - 15:30: break

15:30 - 16:30: Jürgen Hausen (Tübingen): Classifying Fano varieties with and without torus action

16:30 - 18:00: Speed talks from PhD students from Stuttgart, Tübingen and Ulm.

Afterwards: Chocolate market in Tübingen

11.12.  No seminar
18.12. Javier Sendra (CUNEF Madrid)

Hilbert schemes of points of singular curves and their combinatorics

The Hilbert scheme of points parametrizes sets of points a the variety counted with multiplicity. In the case of smooth curves their structure is well understood, whereas for singular curves their geometry becomes quite complicated. I will report on a joint work with Ángel David Rios Órtiz about a class of singular curves for which we describe the irreducible components of their Hilbert schemes of points and a particularly nice combinatorial description emerging from them.

15.1.25  No seminar
22.1.  No seminar
29.1.  No seminar

14:00, C4H33, Rohini Ramadas (Warwick): Degenerations and irreducibility problems in dynamics

This talk is about an application of combinatorial algebraic geometry to complex/arithmetic dynamics. The n-th Gleason polynomial G_n is a polynomial in one variable with Z-coefficients, whose roots correspond to degree-2 self-maps of C with an n-periodic ramification point. Per_n is an affine algebraic curve, defined over Q, parametrizing degree-2 self-maps of P^1 with an n-periodic ramification point. Two long-standing open questions in complex dynamics are: (1) Is G_n is irreducible over Q? (2) Is Per_n connected? We show that if G_n is irreducible over Q, then Per_n is irreducible over C, and is therefore connected. In order to do this, we find a Q-rational smooth point on a projective completion of Per_n — this Q-rational smooth point represents a special degeneration of degree-2 self-maps, and as such has a tropical interpretation.