Justus Springer
Publications and Preprints
- Generalizations of Scott's inequality and Pick's formula to rational polygons. With Martin Bohnert. arXiv:2411.11187
- Classifying rational polygons with small denominator and few interior lattice points. With Martin Bohnert.
- Springer, J. The Picard index of a surface with torus action. Collect. Math. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13348-024-00443-x
- Classifying log del Pezzo surfaces with torus action. With Daniel Hättig and Jürgen Hausen. arxiv:2302.03095.
- Del Pezzo surfaces of Picard number one admitting a torus action. With Daniel Hättig, Beatrice Hafner and Jürgen Hausen. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, accepted for publication. arxiv:2207.14790.
- CStarSurfaces.jl: A Julia package for computations with rational C*-surfaces.
- ldp-database: A searchable web interface for log del pezzo surfaces admitting a non-trivial torus action.
- RationalPolygons.jl: A Julia package for computations with rational polygons.
Contact information
Universität Tübingen
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Fachbereich Mathematik
Auf der Morgenstelle 10
72076 Tübingen
Office: C6A32
Email: justus.springer@uni-tuebingen.de
Telephone: +49 7071 29 76649