Vorträge in der Woche 15.06.2020 bis 21.06.2020

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Donnerstag, 18.06.2020: Ergodentheoretischer Zugang zur Chowla-Vermutung

T. Eisner (Leipzig)

Wir stellen den ergodentheoretischen Zugang über die Furstenberg-Korrespondenz zur zahlentheoretischen Chowla-Vermutung vor.

Uhrzeit: 13:30
Ort: Online Zoom; Zugang über rana@math.uni-tuebingen.de
Gruppe: Oberseminar Funktionalanalysis
Einladender: R. Nagel

Donnerstag, 18.06.2020: Validity cases for the null Penrose inequality

Dr. Alberto Soria Marina (Catholic University of Ávila)

The Penrose inequality establishes that the total mass of a spacetime is lower bounded in terms of suitable surfaces related to black holes. This important geometric inequality was formulated by Roger Penrose in 1973, and it is still an open problem. Its validity would also provide strong support for the weak cosmic censorship conjecture (Penrose, 1969), which states that in physically reasonable spacetimes there can not exist naked singularities. One of the most important cases is the null version of the inequality, in which the surfaces are spacelike cuts of null hypersurfaces that extend to past null infinity. The null version put forward by Penrose in his original construction involves shells of null dust and is written in terms of Minkowskian geometry. In this presentation, we show two Penrose-type inequalities that hold true, and validity cases for both the general and the original shell version of the inequality.

Uhrzeit: 14:15
Ort: This seminar will meet online. Please sign up by sending an email to Angelika Spörer-Schmidle
Gruppe: Oberseminar
Einladender: Cederbaum, Huisken, Kröncke

Freitag, 19.06.2020: Mirror Symmetry for quasi-smooth Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in weighted projective spaces

Prof. Dr. Victor Batyrev (Universität Tübingen)

In the talk based on my joint work with K. Schaller I will explain a general combinatorial framework for constructing mirrors of d-dimensional Calabi-Yau orbifolds defined by arbitrary non-degenerate weighted homogeneous polynomials W. Our mirror construction generalizes the one of Berglund-Huebsch-Krawitz in the case of invertible polynomials W.

Uhrzeit: 11:00
Ort: Die Videoübertragung von Novosibirsk findet online per zoom statt: https://zoom.com.cn/j/67245278501?pwd=VVlaSUhsMW44eHBUNzVITktBM0pzZz09 Meeting ID: 672 4527 8501 Password is 6 numbers: 3122 followed by the order of symmetry group S4
Gruppe: Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie
Einladender: Batyrev, Hausen, Th. Markwig