Alheydis Geiger
Mathematisches Institut
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Auf der Morgenstelle 10
72076 Tübingen
- Since April 2020 PhD studies (Universität Tübingen)
- March 2020 Master of Science (Universität Tübingen)
Masterthesis: Tropical Cubic Surfaces - Enumeration and Lines, supervisor: Prof. Hannah Markwig.
- Sep. 2018 Master of Science (University of Warwick) Masterthesis: Realisability of infinite families of tropical lines on general smooth cubic surfaces, supervisor: Prof. Diane Maclagan
- Oct. 2016 Bachelor of Science (Universität Tübingen)
Publications & Preprints
Self-dual matroids from canonical curves (mit Sachi Hashimoto, Bernd Sturmfels und Raluca Vlad), arXiv:2212.05910
Towards tropically counting binodal surfaces (joint with Madeline Brandt), arxiv:2112.10626, accepted for publication in La Matematica. Official Journal of the Association for Women in Mathematics
A tropical count of real bitangents to plane quartic curves (joint with Marta Panizzut), arXiv:2112.04433
Computing tropical bitangents to smooth quartic curves in polymake (joint with Marta Panizzut), arXiv:2112.04447, accepted for presentation at MEGA 2022
A tropical count of binodal cubic surfaces (joint with Madeline Brandt), Le Matematiche, Vol 75 No 2 (2020)
On Realizability of lines on tropical cubic surfaces and the Brundu-Logar normal form, Le Matematiche, Vol 75 No 2 (2020)
Conferences, Seminars and Talks
- Up-coming: 01.08.-05.08.2022 "Young Researchers Conference in Non-Archimedean and Tropical Geometry", Regensburg, Introductory Lecture: "Applications of tropical geometry"
- Up-coming: 20.06.-24-06.2022 "MEGA", Kraków, Poland
- 15.03.-17.03.2022, "Lectures on Theta - Replacement", MPI MiS Leipzig
- 29.11.-1.12.2021 „Women in Algebra and Symbolic Computation II“, SFB-TRR 195, Bad Dürkheim, Talk: „Towards counting tropical binodal surfaces“
- 24.-30.10.2021, Oberwolfach Seminar: Tropical Curves, Logarithmic Structures, and Enumerative Geometry
- 13.-16.09.2021, Fifth annual conference of the SFB-TRR 195, RWTH Aachen, Talk: "Counting tropical binodal surfaces" and Joint Talk: "A tropical proof of Plücker's Theorem" with Marta Panizzut
- 16.08.-20.08.2021 SIAM Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Talk: "Deformations of Bitangent Classes of Tropical Quartic Curves"
- 07.06.-11.06.2021 MEGA Conference, University Tromsø - The Artic University of Norway, Online.
- 11.05.2021 Seminar Talk: "Deformations of Bitangent Classes of Tropical Quartic Curves", Tübingen.
- 22.01.2021 "TGIZ-Tropical geometry in Zoom", Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Talk: "Deformations of bitangent classes of tropical quartic curves"
- 13.07.-16.07.2020 "International Congress on Mathematical Software", TU Braunschweig, Online Conference, Talk: "Tropical Algebraic Geometry - A tropical count of binodal cubic surfaces"
- 09.12.-11.12.2019 „Women in Algebra and Symbolic Computation“, SFB-TRR 195, Bad Dürkheim, Talk: „Tropical Cubic Surfaces“
- 29.07.-02.08.2019 „Young Researchers Conference in Non-Archimedean and Tropical Geometry“, Universität Regensburg, Talk: „Relative Realisability of infinite families of tropical lines on general smooth tropical cubic surfaces“
- 08.05.2019 Researchseminar, TU Berlin, Talk: "Realisability of infinite families of tropical lines on general smooth cubic surfaces"
Workshops and more
- 28.2.-4.3.2022, OSCAR developer meeting - Tropical Geometry TU Kaiserslautern
- 21.01.2022, 13th polymake conference and developer meeting
- 15.-19.02.2021, Sage/Oscar Days for Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, online, ICERM (The Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics) Brown University
- 28.01.-29.01.2021, 12th polymake conference and developer meeting
- Discussion Session for 12 Lectures on Tropical Geometry (with Paul Görlach)
- 09.05.2019 and 22.10.2019, 27 Questions on cubic surfaces, Workshops at MPI MiS Leipzig
- 09.2020-05.2021 participation in reading group on "Introduction to tropical geometry" by Diane Maclagan & Bernd Sturmfels, Chapter 1-3.
Summer Schools
- Up-coming: 05.09.-09.09.2022 "Combinatorial Methods in Algebraic Geometry", Cambridge, England
- Up-coming: 23.05.-27.05.2022 "International Summer School on Tropical Geometry", Valladolid, Spain
- 06.09.-10.09.2021 "Computeralgebra", RWTH Aachen
- 23.08.-27.08.2021 "Tropical homology and Hodge theory", online format
- 26.07.-06.08.2021 "Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry",LMs-Bath Symposium, University of Bath, virtual format
- 28.06.-02.07.2021 "Tropical Moduli Spaces", EWM/EMS Mittag Leffler summer school, virtual format
- 06.2020-07.2020 "Algebraic and Tropical Online Meetings"
- 03.06.2019-07.06.2019 „New Perspectives in Gromov-Witten Theory“, Summer School at Sorbonne Université, Paris
- winter term 2021/2022: teaching assistant for "Commutative Algebra", Lecturer: Thomas Markwig
- Since winter term 2020/21: Conductor of the training for mentors in the mentoring programm for first year students (in the winter term 2020/21 together with Sophia Jahns, since summer term 2021 single-handedly)
- winter term 2020/2021: teaching assistant for "Introduction to algebraic geometry and commutative algebra", Lecturer: Hannah Markwig
- summer term 2020: teaching assistant for "Algebra", Lecturer: Hannah Markwig
- 2014-2020: support class teacher for different lectures