11.02.2025 |
Anton Deitmar |
Good families |
28.01.2025 |
Daniel Funck |
Weak injectivity radius property and
spectral geometry II |
21.01.2025 |
Daniel Funck |
Weak injectivity radius property and
spectral geometry |
16.12.2024: |
Giacomo Gavelli |
Matrix coefficients and the pre-trace
formula |
03.12.2024 |
Paul Vögele |
Representations of p-adic groups II |
26.11.2024 |
Paul Vögele |
Representations of p-adic groups. |
19.11.2024 |
Anton Deitmar |
Representation Theory of semisimple Lie
groups II |
12.11.2024: |
Anton Deitmar |
Representation Theory of semisimple Lie
groups |
05.11.2024: |
Paul Vögele |
L2-Betti numbers of t.d. groups and Betti number approximation |
22.10.2024 |
Daniel Funck |
The geometry of deformation rings and the
Langlands programme |
16.07.2024 | Anton Deitmar |
Bruhat-Tits Buildings |
02.07.2024 |
Parisa Ebrahimian |
Abstract buildings 2 |
18.06.2024 |
Parisa Ebrahimian |
Abstract buildings |
11.06.2024 |
Felix Röhrle | Local and global fields II |
04.06.2024 | Felix Röhrle | Local and global fields |
04.06.2024 |
Clemens Nollau, Lou-Jean Cobigo-Bihavan | Linear Algebraic Groups III |
14.5.2024 |
Clemens Nollau, Lou-Jean Cobigo-Bihavan | Linear Algebraic Groups II |
7.5.2024 |
Clemens Nollau, Lou-Jean Cobigo-Bihavan |
Linear Algebraic Groups |
30.4.2014 |
Carsten Peterson |
Quantum ergodicity on the Bruhat-Tits building for PGL(3) in the Benjamini-Schramm limit |
Anton Deitmar |
Solid groups II |
Victoria Schleis |
Solid groups |
Hannah Markwig |
LCA-groups |
Daniele Agostini |
Cohomology |
Matilde Manzaroli |
Condensed abelian groups |
Claudius Kamp |
Condensed sets |
Lou-Jean Cobigo-Bihavan |
Background on Condensed Mathematics |
02.11.2021 |
Anton Deitmar |
Y-pieces |
26.10.2021 |
Arjhun Swaminathan |
p-adic limits of topological invariants |
19.10.2021 |
Claudius Kamp |
Introduction to Teichmüller theory |
15.06.2021 |
Jan Feldmann |
Jacquet-Langlands für Torsionsgruppen |
01.06.2021 |
Claudius Kamp |
Klassische Jacquet-Langlands Korrespondenz |
25.05.2021 |
Jan Feldmann |
Modulare Symbole, Randtorsion |
18.05.2021 |
Claudius Kamp |
Analytische- und Reidemeister-Torsion |
11.05.2021 |
Jan Feldmann |
Alt- und Neuformen |
04.05.2021 |
Anton Deitmar |
Kohomologische Darstellungen |
Skript |
27.04.2021 |
Anton Deitmar |
Modulformen und Kohomologie |
Skript |
01.03.2021 |
Julien Sessler |
Eulerprodukte von Graph-Zetafunktionen |
15.02.2021 |
Anton Deitmar |
Heat kernels and L2-Betti numbers |
18.01.2021 |
Jan Feldmann |
Spectral Approximation for locally
convergent sequences of lattices |
07.02.2020 |
Anton Deitmar |
Benjamini-Schramm convergence for
congruence lattices |
30.11.2020 |
Claudius Kamp |
IRS in higher rank |
23.11.2020 |
Claudius Kamp |
Invariant Random Subgroups |
16.11.2020 |
Julien Sessler |
Zetafunktionen von Graphen und Bruhat-Tits
Gebäuden |
02.11.2020 |
Jan Feldmann |
Gruppen ohne Gitter |
20.07.2020 |
Claudius Kamp |
Fourierzerlegung von Eisenstein-Reihen |
10.12.2019 |
Julien Sessler |
Representation theory of PGL(2), spectral
decomposition of L2(G(Q)\G(A)) |
03.12.2019 |
Claudius Kamp | Geometric, combinatorial Laplacian and
eigenvalues II |
26.11.2019 |
Claudius Kamp |
Geometric, combinatorial Laplacian and
eigenvalues |
19.11.2019 |
Anton Deitmar | Kazhdan property (T), Expanders and the
Ruziewicz problem II |
12.11.2019 |
Anton Deitmar |
Kazhdan property (T), Expanders and the
Ruziewicz problem |
05.11.2019 |
Julien Sessler | Expanding graphs,
Hausdorff-Banach-Tarski-paradox, Ruziewicz problem,
invariant measures II |
29.10.2019 |
Julien Sessler |
Expanding graphs,
Hausdorff-Banach-Tarski-paradox, Ruziewicz problem,
invariant measures |
22.10.2019 |
Julien Sessler |
L-functions and graph zetas II |
15.10.2019 |
Julien Sessler |
L-functions and graph zetas |
16.07.2019 |
Anton Deitmar |
Benjamini-Schramm and spectral convergence |
09.07.2019 |
Martin Meßmer |
Entropy and escape mass for SL3(Z)\SL3(R) |
25.06.2019 |
Martin Meßmer |
Arithmetic Quantum Unique Ergodicity II |
21.06.2019 |
Claudius Kamp | Arithmetic Quantum Unique Ergodicity Ia |
18.06.2019 |
Claudius Kamp |
Arithmetic Quantum Unique Ergodicity I |
11.06.2019 |
Shingo Sugiyama (Nihon University) |
Trace formulas on GL(2) weighted by
automorphic forms |
04.06.2019 |
Jannik Michel |
The trace distribution |
28.05.2019 | Julien Sessler | The Selberg conjecture II |
21.05.2019 |
Julien Sessler | The Selberg conjecture |
14.05.2019 |
Jannik Michel | Spectral decomposition and the trace
formula II |
07.05.2019 |
Claudius Kamp |
Induced representations and the Mackey
machine |
30.04.2019 | Jannik Michel | Spectral decomposition and the trace formula |
22.01.2019 |
Stefan Köberle |
Das sphärische Gitterpunktproblem |
10.01.2019 |
Fabian Fehlker |
Quasitraces and AW* bundles |
08.01.2019 |
Claudius Kamp |
Pseudo-differential calculus on type I
groups |
18.12.2018 |
Julien Sessler |
Volumenwachstum in sphärischen Räumen III |
11.12.2018 |
Julien Sessler |
Volumenwachstum in sphärischen Räumen II |
04.12.2018 |
Julien Sessler |
Volumenwachstum in sphärischen Räumen |
27.11.2018 |
Anna von Pippich |
The special value Z'(1) of the Selberg zeta
function for the modular group |
20.11.2018 |
Martin Meßmer | Harmonische Analyse sphärischer Räume II |
13.11.2018 |
Martin Meßmer |
Harmonische Analyse sphärischer Räume |
30.10.2018 |
Jannik Michel |
Die Spurklassendistribution |
23.10.2018 |
Stefan Köberle |
Cuspidal trace formula and Weyl's law |
31.07.2018 |
Polyxeni Spilioti |
Classification of invariant measures: the
unipotent case |
24.07.2018 |
Julien Sessler |
Divisibility in lattices II |
17.07.2018 |
Julien Sessler |
Divisibility in lattices |
05.06.2018 |
Stefan Köberle |
The Fürstenberg conjecture II |
29.05.2018 |
Stefan Köberle |
The Fürstenberg conjecture |
08.05.2018 |
Martin Meßmer | Entropy, escape mass and Anosov flows |
24.04.2018 |
Jean Raimbault (Toulouse) | Geometric estimates for multiplicities |
17.04.2018 |
Gerard Freixas i Monplet (Jussieu, Paris) |
On the Deligne-Riemann-Roch isomorphism |
16.01.2018 |
Stefan Köberle |
Cuspidal trace formula and Weyl's law |
19.12.2017 |
Bahar Heidaryan |
A cohomologically controlled part of ideal
class groups |
25.07.2017 |
Julien Sessler |
Local class field theory |
18.07.2017 |
Anton Deitmar |
L-functions |
11.07.2017 |
Yoshinori Yamasaki |
Non-commutative matrix forest theorems |
04.07.2017 |
Steven Charlton |
Cuspidal types and Characters II |
27.06.2017 |
Steven Charlton |
Cuspidal types and Characters |
20.06.2017 |
Polyxeni Spilioti |
Cuspidal representations II |
30.05.2017 |
Polyxeni Spilioti |
Cuspidal representations |
23.05.2017 |
Victor Strehlau |
Irreducible representations of GL(2) |
09.05.2017 |
Julien Sessler |
Locally profinite groups |
25.04.2017 |
Saskia Roos |
Collapse under bounded curvature |
28.02.2017 |
Katrin Schlegel |
A trace formula for a point scatterer on a hyperbolic surface |
07.02.2017 |
Rupert McCallum |
Torsion homology II |
31.01.2017 |
Rupert McCallum |
Torsion homology |
24.01.2017 |
Steven Charlton |
Computation of arithmetic cohomology II |
17.01.2017 |
Steven Charlton |
Computation of arithmetic cohomology |
20.12.2016 |
Benedikt Otto |
(g,K)-cohomology and automorphic forms |
13.12.2016 |
Julien Sessler |
(g,K)-cohomology II |
06.12.2016 |
Julien Sessler |
(g,K)-cohomology |
29.11.2016 |
Viktor Strehlau |
Periods and the Eichler-Shimura isomorphism |
22.11.2016 |
Benedikt Otto |
Poincar'e-Paarung auf hyperbolischen Flächen |
15.11.2016 |
Rupert McCallum |
Reflection principles which justify strong
axioms of infinity |
08.11.2016 |
Katrin Schlegel |
Cohomology of groups |
25.10.2016 |
Steven Charlton |
Revenge of the MZVs |
18.10.2016 |
Steven Charlton |
Multiple zeta values |
06.09.2016 |
Yasuro Gon |
An explicit integral representation of
Siegel-Whittaker functions on Sp(2,R) for the large discrete series representations |
30.08.2016 |
Yasuro Gon |
Selberg zeta functions for Hilbert modular
groups and determinants of restricted Laplacians |
02.08.2016 |
Polyxeni Spilioti |
Analytic torsion and dynamical zeta
functions of locally symmetric spaces |
26.07.2016 |
Anton Deitmar |
Torsion in arithmetic group homology |
19.07.2016 |
Rupert McCallum | The Conway-Norton Conjecture II |
12.07.2016 |
Rupert McCallum |
The Conway-Norton Conjecture |
28.06.2016 |
Anton Deitmar |
Graphen und Klassenzahlen |
21.06.2016 |
Benedikt Otto |
The j-function |
06.06.2016 | Julien Sessler | The moonshine module II |
24.05.2016 | Julien Sessler | The moonshine module |
10.05.2016 | Katrin Schlegel | Vertex algebras |
03.05.2016 | Viktor Strehlau | Preparations for the Monstrous Moonshine Conjecture |
12.04.2016 | Anton Deitmar | Monoid schemes |
02.02.2016 |
Julien Sessler |
Local zeta functions of T-groups of class 2 |
26.01.2016 |
Kentaro Okamoto |
The zeta function and the knot invariant |
19.01.2016 |
Benedikt Otto | Rigidity II |
12.01.2016 |
Benedikt Otto |
Rigidity |
15.12.2015 | Julien Sessler | Amenability II |
08.12.2015 |
Julien Sessler |
Amenability |
01.12.2015 |
Rupert McCallum |
On the consistency of a new large cardinal
axiom |
24.11.2015 |
Katrin Schlegel | Algebraic Groups and Measure Theory II |
17.11.2015 | Katrin Schlegel | Algebraic Groups and Measure Theory |
10.11.2015 | Rupert McCallum | Moore's Ergodicity Theorem II |
03.11.2015 |
Rupert McCallum |
Moore's Ergodicity Theorem |
20.10.2015 | Benedikt Otto | Poincaré-Paarung für hyperbolische Flächen |
14.07.2015 |
Ming-Hsuan Kang |
L-functions and Zeta functions on
Apartments and Buidlings |
07.07.2015 |
Viktor Strehlau |
Highest weight theory |
30.06.2015 |
Benjamin Sprung |
The third moment of symmetric square
L-functions |
23.06.2015 |
Julien Sessler |
Root systems II |
16.06.2015 |
Julien Sessler |
Root systems |
09.06.2015 |
Viktor Strehlau |
Halbeinfache Lie-Algebren |
02.06.2015 |
Feng Su |
On the Ramanuja-Petersson Conjecture |
12.05.2015 |
Anton Deitmar |
Trace class groups |
20.05.2015 |
Rupert McCallum |
QUE for Hilbert surfaces |
28.04.2015 |
Feng Su |
QUE: early results |
21.04.2015 |
Julien Sessler |
Untergruppen-Zetafunktionen und
Bruhat-Tits-Gebaeude |
03.02.2015 |
Anton Deitmr |
Quantum unique ergodicity for arithmetic
surfaces |
13.01.2015 |
Martin Laur |
Kusnetsov Quotient with non-standard
functions |
16.12.2014 |
Michael Füllbier |
Equivariant cohomology of isotropy
actions |
09.12.2014 |
Martin Laur |
A uniform spectral gap for hyperbolic
spaces |
02.12.2014 |
Michael Herrmann |
Comparison: the first case |
25.11.2014 |
Katrin Schlegel |
The trace formula for a point scatterer |
18.11.2014 |
Michael Füllbier |
Relative trace identities II |
11.11.2014 |
Feng Su |
Relative trace formula II |
04.11.2014 |
Feng Su |
Introduction to the relative trace formula |
28.10.2014 |
Anton Deitmar |
A few words on quotient stacks |
02.09.2014 |
Rupert McCallum |
Rigidity of the group topology of
automorphism groups of Bruhat-Tits trees |
22.07.2014 |
Anton Deitmar |
From determinant class operators via
graph zeta functions to Mumford curves |
15.07.2014 |
Lara Gayer |
Cohomology, Determinants, and Reciprocity
Laws II |
08.07.2014 |
Lara Gayer | Cohomology, Determinants, and Reciprocity
Laws |
24.06.2014 |
Viktor Strehlau |
Ihara zeta functions and Bruhat-Tits
buildings |
17.06.2014 |
Jonas Morrissey |
Milnor invariants and multiple residue
symbols |
03.06.2014 |
Anton Deitmar |
Link groups and Galois-Groups with
restricted ramification |
27.05.2014 |
Michael Füllbier | Ideal class groups |
20.05.2014 |
Michael Herrmann |
Decomposition of primes |
13.05.2014 |
Michael Herrmann | Decomposition of knots and primes |
06.05.2014 |
Viktor Strehlau | Linking Numbers and Legendre Symbols |
29.04.2014 |
Viktor Strehlau | Knots and primes, linking numbers and
Legendre symbols |
22.04.2014 |
Feng Su |
Class field theory |
15.04.2014 |
Frank Monheim |
Arithmetic Rings |
08.04.2014 |
Martin Laur |
Algebraic topology of knots |
04.02.2014 |
Feng Su |
Action on periods of automorphic
representations |
28.01.2014 |
Frank Monheim |
Proof of the Weight Mondromy Conjecture |
21.01.2014 |
Frank Monheim | Perfectoid spaces: toric varieties |
14.01.2014 |
Anton Deitmar |
Perfectoid spaces: etale topology |
16.12.2013 |
Feng Su |
Perfectoid spaces: analytic geometry |
09.12.2013 |
Alexandro Soto |
Toric varieties |
10.12.2013 |
Michael Füllbier |
Perfectoid algebras |
03.12.2013 |
Michael Herrmann | Perfectoid fields and "almost
mathematics" |
19.11.2013 |
Frank Monheim |
Adic spaces |
12.11.2013 |
Jana Steffen |
Poincaré-Paarung für hyperbolische
Flächen |
05.11.2013 |
Michael Herrmann | Multiplizität Eins in Längenverteilung
und Spektrum |
22.10.2013 |
Michael Füllbier |
Äquivariante Kohomologie der
Isotropie-Aktion auf einem symmetrischen Raum |
23.07.2013 |
Feng Su |
A relative trace formula for a compact
Riemann surface |
26.04.2013 |
Arthur Herb |
Einführung in die abc-Vermutung |
05. 02. 2013 |
Albrecht Brehm |
The Selberg Conjecture II |
21. 05. 2013 |
Shin-Ya Koyama |
Euler products beyond the boundary |
29. 01. 2013 |
Albrecht Brehm |
The Selberg Conjecture II |
22. 01. 2013 |
Feng Su |
The Selberg Conjecture I |
15. 01. 2013 |
Feng Su |
The Selberg Conjecture I |
11. 12. 2012 |
Alejandro Soto |
The Selberg trace formula III |
04. 12. 2012 |
Alejandro Soto |
The Selberg trace formula II |
27. 11. 2012 |
Alejandro Soto |
The Selberg trace formula I |
20. 11. 2012 |
Frank Monheim |
Maaß forms II |
13. 11. 2012 |
Frank Monheim | Maaß forms I |
06. 11. 2012 |
Lara Gayer |
The Spectral Theorem II |
30. 10. 2012 |
Lara Gayer | The Spectral Theorem I |
30. 10. 2012 |
Jonas Morrissey |
Hyperbolic surfaces and arithmetic groups
II |
23. 10. 2012 |
Jonas Morrissey | Hyperbolic surfaces and arithmetic groups
I |
25. 07. 2012 |
Anton Deitmar |
Voevodsky's derived category of motives |
17. 07. 2012 |
Feng Su |
Derived and triangulated categories |
10. 07. 2012 |
Alejandro Soto |
Classical motives |
03. 07. 2012 |
Frank Monheim |
The standard conjectures |
29. 06. 2012 |
Ralf Beckmann |
Tannakian categories |
19. 06. 2012 |
Anton Deitmar |
Introduction to motives |
15. 05. 2012 |
Albrecht Brehm |
Überdeckungseigenschaft von
Poisson-Boolean Modellen |
04. 06. 2012 |
Alejandro Soto |
Weil implies Ramanujan/Petersson |
04. 06. 2012 |
Frank Monheim |
The congruence relation |
04. 06. 2012 |
Philipp Vollmer |
Algebraic Preliminaries |
04. 05. 2012 |
Ralf Beckmann |
The isomorphism of Shimura |
04. 05. 2012 |
Frank Monheim |
Modular Curves over C |
24. 04. 2012 |
Philipp Vollmer |
Kohomologie in prä-belschen Kategorien |
31. 01. 2012 |
Frank Monheim |
Die Jacquet-Langlands Korrespondenz II |
14. 02. 2012 |
Matthew Szczesny |
Hall algebras of belian (and related)
categories |
24. 01. 2012 |
Frank Monheim |
Die Jacquet-Langlands-Korrespondenz I |
24. 01. 2012 |
Feng Su |
Arthur's trace formula: spectral terms II |
17. 01. 2012 |
Feng Su |
Arthur's trace formula: spectral terms I |
10. 01. 2012 |
Alejandro Soto |
On the Ihara-Zeta Function |
20. 12. 2011 |
Frank Monheim |
Arthur's trace formula: geometric terms
12. 12. 2011 |
Frank Monheim | Arthur's trace formula: geometric terms
13. 12. 2011 |
Frank Monheim | Arthur's trace formula: geometric terms
II |
06. 12. 2011 |
Frank Monheim | Arthur's trace formula: geometric terms I |
29. 11. 2011 |
Bernd Mehnert |
Zählen in homogenen Räumen |
22. 11. 2011 |
Achim Krause |
The trace formula in the non-compact case |
15. 11. 2011 |
Achim Krause |
The trace formula in the non-compct case:
a first example |
08. 11. 2011 |
Anton Deitmar |
Lefschetz Formulae for torus actions |
25. 10. 2011 |
Feng Su |
Introduction to the trace formula II |
11. 10. 2011 |
Feng Su |
Introduction to the trace formula I |
19. 07. 2011 |
Lukas Pottmeyer |
Eine dynamische Bogomolov Eigenschaft |
05. 07. 2011 |
Anton Deitmar |
Neues vom Körper mit einem Element |
19. 07. 2011 |
Gabriel Klawitter |
Ihara Zetafunktionen partiell gerichteter
Graphen |
28. 06. 2011 |
Christian Christensen |
Tropische und kanonische Multiplizitäten |
28. 06. 2011 |
Ralf Beckmann |
Lyapunov Exponenten |
12. 07. 2011 |
Mladen Dimitrov |
Automorphic symbols and p-adic
L-functions for GL(2) |
31. 05. 2011 |
Frank Monheim |
Modulare Einbettung und Müller
Charakterisierung von TMK |
24. 05. 2011 |
Ivan Horozov |
Decomposition of the local system on a
Teichmüller curve |
17. 05. 2011 |
Alejandro Soto |
Variations of Hodge structures |
26. 04. 2011 |
Ralf Beckmann |
Teichmuellerkreisscheibe und Veechgruppe |
19. 04. 2011 |
Alejandro Soto |
Teichmuellerraum und
Abbildungsklassengruppe |
12. 04. 2011 |
Frank Monheim |
Billards und die Veechgruppe |
01. 02. 2011 |
Ralf Beckmann |
Etale Kohomologie fuer nichtarchimedische
Räume II |
25. 01. 2011 |
Ivan Horozov |
Multiple Dedekind Zeta Functions |
11. 01. 2011 |
Till Wagner |
Strikt semistabile Modelle und ihre
Skelette |
11. 01. 2011 |
Ralf Beckmann |
Etale Kohomologie analytischer
Räume |
14. 12. 2010 |
Feng Su |
Introduction to the Kuznetsov Trace
Formula for SL(n,Z) |
23. 11. 2010 |
Alejandro Soto |
Analytic curves |
09. 11. 2010 |
Lukas Pottmeyer |
Reduktion, Rand und Inneres |
09. 06. 2010 |
Ivan Horozov |
Rigidity |
08. 06. 2010 |
Ralf Beckmann |
Unipotent variations of Hodge structures
and monodromy |
08. 06. 2010 |
Frank Monheim |
The mixed Hodge structure on the
fundamental group |
01. 06. 2010 |
Benjamin Bechtold |
Einführung in tropische Geometrie |
04. 05. 2010 |
Judith Ludwig |
Kohomologie von H-Räumen II |
27. 04. 2010 |
Judith Ludwig | Kohomologie von H-Räumen I |
20. 04. 2010 |
Ralf Beckmann |
Gemischte Hodge-Strukturen |
13. 04. 2010 |
Lukas Pottmeyer |
Kaehler Mannigfaltigkeiten und reine
Hodge Strukturen |
09. 01. 2010 | Matthias Flach | Weil-etale cohomology of regular arithmetic schemes |
19. 01. 2010 | Anton Deitmar | Beweis der Zhang-Vermutung |
12. 01. 2010 |
Frank Monheim |
Beziehungen zwischen Graphinvarianten |
15. 12. 2009 |
Ralf Beckmann |
Polarisierte metrisierte Graphen und die
Zhang-Vermutung |
08. 12. 2009 |
Judith Ludwig |
Die Greensche Funktion |
24. 11. 2009 |
Zhenbin Luo |
Cantou-Carre' symbol via iterated
integrals |
17. 11. 2009 |
Judith Ludwig |
Parabolic Cohomology and Rational Period
Functions |
21. 07. 2009 |
Jürgen Gutekunst |
Der Eichler-Shimura-Isomorphismus |
14. 07. 2009 |
Frank Monheim |
Iterierte Integrale modularer Formen II |
07. 07. 2009 |
Frank Monheim |
Iterierte Integrale modularer Formen I |
07. 07. 2009 |
Ralf Beckmann |
Das Kongruenzgruppenproblem III |
30. 06. 2009 |
Ralf Beckmann |
Das Kongruenzgruppenproblem II |
23. 06. 2009 |
Judith Ludwig |
Das Kongruenzgruppenproblem I |
23. 06. 2009 |
Jürgen Gutekunst |
GL(n) über einem p-adischen Körper II |
09. 06. 2009 |
Nikolaos Diamantis |
Cohen kernels of L-functions |
26. 05. 2009 |
Alexey Zykin |
Asymptotics of zeta functions and the
Brauer-Siegel theorem |
09. 06. 2009 |
Jürgen Gutekunst | GL(n) über einem p-adischen Körper I |
12. 05. 2009 |
Frank Monheim |
Arithmetische Gruppen in GL(n,R) II |
05. 05. 2009 |
Frank Monheim |
Arithmetische Gruppen in GL(n,R) I |
28. 04. 2009 |
Anton Deitmar |
Algebraische Gruppen und Adele III |
18. 12. 2008 |
Anton Deitmar |
Algebraische Gruppen und Adele II |
09. 12. 2008 |
Anton Deitmar |
Algebraische Gruppen und Adele I |
27. 11. 2008 |
Judith Ludwig |
Arithmetische Fuchsche
Gruppen |
20. 11. 2008 |
Frank Monheim |
Geometrie Fuchscher Gruppen |
13. 11. 2008 |
Jürgen Gutekunst |
Fundamentalbereiche II |
04. 11. 2008 |
Jürgen Gutekunst | Fundamentalbereiche I |
28. 10. 2008 |
Ralf Beckmann |
Fuchsche Gruppen |
30. 09. 2008 |
Ramesh Sreekantan |
Conjectures on special values of
L-functions |
02. 09. 2008 |
Andreas Henn |
Hecke-Operatoren und Theta-Reihen |
01. 09. 2008 |
Daniel Haase |
Zetafunktionen höherer Ordnung |